This Chick Let Raskin Have It! 🔥 – IOTW Report

This Chick Let Raskin Have It! 🔥

This hearing witness just told comrade Jamie Raskin to essentially get over his Trump and Elon Musk derangement.

21 Comments on This Chick Let Raskin Have It! 🔥

  1. Uncle Al

    I read that this morning with my first cup of coffee and I kept thinking, didn’t this idiot think he was going to get caught. And then I realized, no, he didn’t. Because they thought they had all this shit under their control. Some ones got to do a deep dive on Maxine Waters.
    Yuk, I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. You just know that bitch is dirtier than hell. And not that bright.

  2. He “represents” a good portion of the shithole surrounding dc. It’s some of the wealthiest real estate in the country, and all of that wealth is created from government grift. Plain and simple.
    I know – I grew up there. I hate it and all the scum who live there.

  3. I used to be a commercial interior designer, doing hotels, restaurants and resorts. The main investors/owners of the projects ALWAYS had their wives (sometimes girlfriends) on the board and taking a handsome pay-out. I did do a strip club once in Kingston (with a gay friends – it was a hoot!) and the owners off the strip club were much more honorable than the hospitality guys. Just my own personal experience.

  4. Don’t continue to kid yourself into thinking that Trump and Musk can fix this on their own. American’s better wake up to the racket that is now Washington DC. And it will kill what’s left of America if the people of America don’t help kill off the poison the left is spreading. They’ll be rich and you’ll be 3rd world along with your children and their children down the road.

  5. One of their kids died of “depression”. That’s gotta be code for blowing one’s brains out or jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge.

    With two ultra-liberal parents turning from God and reality, it’s to be expected.

  6. The two tiered justice system at DOJ and FBI has protected Bureaucrats and Congress from “REAL” investigations, indictments and prosecutions.

    BONDI (DOJ) needs some of DOGE’s Big Balls to ensure “Equal Justice for All”. NO MORE two tiered justice favoritism.


  7. I believe his kid killing himself put Jamie over the edge and he’s never recovered. And the kid’s mental problems may well have had a genetic component. Jamie’s just not normal, not at all.

    This doesn’t excuse the rat bastard. The world would be a better place without him in it.

  8. Uncle Al

    Here’ what blows my little mind. This couples been through some personal tragedies. But that hasn’t detoured them one bit from trying to rip off the American Tax payer to the very best of their ability. It’s almost demonic. I mean WTF?


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