This Debate Was a Coup D’etat – It Was Designed To Get Rid of Biden – IOTW Report

This Debate Was a Coup D’etat – It Was Designed To Get Rid of Biden


22 Comments on This Debate Was a Coup D’etat – It Was Designed To Get Rid of Biden

  1. I understand what you’re saying but my question is why it had to take this for the Dems to get to this point? What three h@ll does the Biden family have on the Dem movers & shakers that the haven’t already done it?

    Because it’s been obvious to everyone else for, well, since he was running in the first place.

  2. Yeah… That was sooo bad, you have to wonder. The debate was scheduled early so, the Unengaged/Undecided voters won’t actually be watching AND there is still time to make a switcheroo before their convention.

  3. BevWKy: They knew they wanted to get rid of him but they had to be careful so that it did not appear that they were saying “Conservatives were right about him all along.” The also did not want to do it too early or else Republicans would have plenty of time to ramp up against the replacements

  4. That was my thought. They have to sell replacing him to the average Dumbocrat voter, who has been told he’s OK for the last four years. The replacement will come after they nominate him so the DNC can pick the replacement without a vote.

  5. The Deep State proved, in 2020 that they could run the equivalent of a St. Bernard and still beat Trump (dishonestly) — or more precisely, beat down those who voted for Trump. It didn’t accomplish all they wanted. They need a repeat.

    Replacing Biden can wait until after the sham election.

    If, by some chance, Trump wins, they will repeat the resistance of his first term — maybe even fomenting the civil war they have been trying to trigger since Obama. It’s all good for them, they play the long game.

  6. I still say Trump should have let Biden twist in the wind by refusing to participate in this debate. He just did their dirty work for them. Yesterday, it was all cheap fakes, and now it’s so obvious that Joe must go? I guess Dem moron voters are used to being jerked around like this, but normal people get whiplash and don’t like it at all. Tomorrow, the goddam media will be stroking their chins and saying that Biden’s decline has been obvious for a long time, even though we were all fakers and conspiracy theorists yesterday. Whatever. Bring on Mooch or Gavin or whoever and pretend everything is just fine and you’re a nazi racist if you disagree. PDT will still kick ass in November.

  7. I’ve been pondering that myself. Did the Democrats have this in mind going in? The hell of it is, there is nothing in the debate that isn’t consistent with the last few years of the rotten bastard. As for feeling sorry for the dirty motherfucker… pffft. Please, spare me. He has never had any redeeming qualities whatsoever. None.

  8. I just don’t see how they can replace him at this point and get full Dem support. Newsom has had an awful year, plus he’s another white male. Mike is the dark horse. But would Dems really go all out for her? And Kamala is the next-in-line, so anyone else would be a massive slap to supposed Dem ideals, particularly because of all the boxes she checks. But even Dems don’t like her.

    Dominion, you’re their only hope.

  9. Isn’t that special!

    Our ENEMIES in our government would like nothing better than to tape all their CRIMES to this useful idiot and throw him in the dumpster. DO NOT ALLOW THAT !!!!!!!

    EVERY complicit traitor, dem and GOPe need to be inextricably velcroed to this slimy POS BECAUSE THEY PUT HIM IN THE WH AND USED HIM AGAINST US ALL!

    The MSM needs to hang alongside every crooked judge and thieving legislator as well.
    Shitpants isn’t some magic genie, he is the posterboy shield they all hid behind.

  10. @LBS

    How about when he forgot Lloyd Austin’s name AND the name of the Pentagon itself, calling it “that outfit over there” And that was in the first week!

    I tell people down here, “That would be like Putin calling Red Square, “that parade ground out front'”

  11. “They knew they wanted to get rid of him but they had to be careful so that it did not appear that they were saying “Conservatives were right about him all along.” The also did not want to do it too early or else Republicans would have plenty of time to ramp up against the replacements”

    I’m not sure I buy this argument for one simple reason… if they really already knew they wanted to get rid of him then why not let someone else run against him in the primary? Even if that person didn’t win then they would have a fallback option already available.

    They have literally boxed themselves into a corner and that’s what I honestly don’t get because the Democratic party I’m familiar with is way smarter than that. So what gives?

  12. BevWKy: the person they would want to win might not win in that scenario. They wouldn’t have control. To use Super Delegates to oust Joe would show a divide in the Party.

    Besides, Dr. Jill said he did a great job. If by that she means he did not drop dead, I suppose she is right.


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