This guy (?) has a punchable aura – IOTW Report

This guy (?) has a punchable aura

This douche says he can steal private property when he disagrees with the message of the property.

This dope should sue his teachers who gave him bad info. This is one of the reasons that there is no way I’m bailing out these shitstains with my tax dollars.

Their beef is with the charlatans that charged them for their “education, ” the ones that turned them into ill-informed androgynous embarrassments.

more at Daily Wire

43 Comments on This guy (?) has a punchable aura

  1. According to Rich Taylor – since Washington is the EverGreen State, and eternally blue, we should have already handed it over to the Communists, therefore there shouldn’t have been a pro-life demonstration there to begin with.
    Rich Taylor says “Hey all you Conservatives in Washington, get out now while the getting is still good. Otherwise you deserve everything your are about to get”.

  2. Actually he CAN take private property.
    He shouldn’t, but he can.

    And I CAN make him a eunuch with an appropriately placed kick.

    I shouldn’t do that, but I can because his illicit behavior and his revealed refusal to stop, would justify it.

  3. Nothing is going to be done to him, but maybe that video will end up haunting his future the way some very old “black face” pictures have surfaced to haunt a few political figures lately.

    You can run away from many things but running away from yourself is not among them, particularly when there is video involved.

  4. Went two quarters at WWSU in Bellingham back in the day. Hated it then, hate it now. Those women should have kicked him in the teeth when he was down then jumped on him and beat him to a pulp. He was lucky a male wasn’t there supporting the cause unless he was a cucked conservative – – and there’s plenty of THOSE around.

  5. Isn’t this Gaten Matarazzo , the unfortunately dealt kid with the disorder, known as cleidocranial dysplasia from ‘Stranger Things’?
    Damn it!
    I guess 3 more seasons of the show and FIOS commercials we must endure before he’s found on the sidewalk in front of the Viper Room,,,.
    Just checking, the topic was ‘most punch-able aura’.

  6. He looks and acts that way? Imagine what his bi-sexual parents look like and act like??

    My goodness, what a schnozz.

    Those Pro-Lifers need more field training.

    I LOVE their COURAGE though.

  7. @Jimmy

    “Stop. You’re under citizen’s arrest. Resist and you will be forcibly detained.”

    I prefer a “Citizen’s No-Knock warrant.” BLAM!!! Momma said knock you OUT!!! 😡

  8. The original Schnozz!
    Have not thought about Jimmy Durante and that term in a long time.
    TY ‘ghost of brig gen j glover’.
    He was an actual entertainer and comedian!
    Carol Burnett tributes him.
    Great stuff he did.

  9. I am impressed with the restraint shown by the pro-life students…..but he crossed the line of restraint after he took the second cross. There are some people who just need their ass kicked, he’s an excellent candidate to start with.

  10. Typical dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Hung-like-a-field-mouse, pussy-hat-wearing, fart-cupping, finger-sniffing, Leftoid stupid ass, jack-wad Glo-Stik ya just wanna snap in half and shake the shit out of until the light comes on!
    Nothing in our galaxy is more stupid!
    He is a fluke of the Universe and whether you can hear it or not the Universe is laughing behind his back.
    Give up fukstick!

  11. I would not have been able to resist coming up behind “It” with a swift kick in the behind sending him flat on his face. Then a foot on the neck would be appropriate.

  12. He needs feminism because feminists are the only earthly creatures that need weak men.
    Three more ‘acts of conspicuous resistance’ stamps on his Woke Card and he qualifies for a pity-screw. The women in his circle will draw lots to see who has to do the deed

  13. When is someone going to post a video of one of these pricks getting the much deserved shit beat out of them? I’m so sick of seeing conservatives be such pansies in these situations.

  14. Hey earth not flat, taking private property is called theft here in Georgia, I don’t know what they call it wherever the hell you are, but theft in Georgia is an actionable offense and usually results in a lead injection, or at the very least, an epic beat down. I’d hate to live where you do where anyone can take private property.

  15. Four year olds display this kind of behavior when they can’t get their way. Socialist education has created these immature drones incapable of reasoning.
    Pro-life students need to know the law in the states they’re operating in, get a lawyer and be prepared for hateful jerks who act out.

  16. I wouldn’t have been able to do nothing. I would have stood in front of him, thus forcing him to either push me away or walk around me. If he just walked around me, I would have moved to stand in front of him again.

    If he pushed me? I’m not a violent person, but I would have resisted more forcefully, probably scaring him shitless (since he would have filled his pants already).

    I faced aggression twice and both times I was scared but determined to not back down. I think I must have looked fierce because both times the guys (much bigger than me) backed down. The next time, that might not work, but I couldn’t stand by and do nothing.

  17. If we who oppose abortion are called “pro-life” then why aren’t those who support abortion called “pro-death?”

    What is the “choice” we’re pretending to refer?
    A woman has the “right” to “choose” to kill her kid?
    Isn’t that the “right” to kill it?
    Isn’t that “Pro-Death?”

    izlamo delenda est …


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