This Guy Just Hit a Home Run – The Tears of a Clown – IOTW Report

This Guy Just Hit a Home Run – The Tears of a Clown

HT/ Bad Brad

35 Comments on This Guy Just Hit a Home Run – The Tears of a Clown

  1. “Yes we can! Mock you.”

    No less a person than Saul Alinsky said that mockery and humor can be devastating things to flight against and overcome!

    Turn this sh!t around on ’em!!!1111

  2. Remember Barry’s speech following the Fort Hood shooting? Recall how shaken he was, how sad he looked, and the conviction with which is expressed his sorrow and his promise to inform Americans of all the facts? Neither do I. Our Commander In Chief is a total disgrace. And a gigantic boob, in keeping with the evolved topic of this thread.

    Obama eventually comments on Fort Hood Shooting… After he gives SHOUTOUT..

  3. When I wrote my post “The Tears of a Clown” on Tuesday, my brother texted me and said, “Too bad you can’t make a music video of the Smokey Robinson song.” Little did I know that someone would. You’re right. Home friggin’ run!

  4. Agreed. One parting consideration – significant testing would be required at assorted frequencies and amplitudes. One combination of frequency and amplitude may only need some gentle restraint, whereas another frequency & amplitude may require beer bottle like restraint to prevent uninteded loss of contents while going over rapids in a small raft. This effort will take considerble time and effort and require a substantial sample of women’s breasts to be a statistically valid sample.

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