This Imbecile Actually Believes He is Making a “Checkmate” Point – IOTW Report

This Imbecile Actually Believes He is Making a “Checkmate” Point

22 Comments on This Imbecile Actually Believes He is Making a “Checkmate” Point

  1. …followed by the obligatory progsmirk. It takes more and more effort to simply despise the worthless fuckers and not actively hate them and wish them deeper into the misery they wallow in.

  2. Of course this booger eating moron will resonate with equally poorly educated and/or too moronic to learn anyway followers of the progressive agenda. Taught very early on in Logic:

    Denying the antecedent, sometimes also called inverse error or fallacy of the inverse, is a formal fallacy of inferring the inverse from the original statement. It is committed by reasoning in the form: If P, then Q. Therefore, if not P, then not Q.

    Affirming the consequent is the action of taking a true statement and invalidly concluding its converse . The name affirming the consequent derives from using the consequent, Q, of , to conclude the antecedent P. This fallacy can be summarized formally as or, alternatively, .

  3. Logical fallacy, one of the most common at that. If A = B, and B=C, then C must = A. Trans = Born Again, Born Again = Legit, therefore Trannies are Legit.

    Progressives are children who base their logic on wishful premises.

    Daddy likes ice cream and I like ice cream same as Daddy, so Daddy will always buy me an ice cream.

    Daddy is government and in the Pedos case we literally do pay for the perverts ice cream.

  4. Genetics don’t lie.
    XY = male
    XX = female
    Don’t care what body parts you chop off, what body parts you add on, what drugs you take…….genetics don’t change. Neither does your gender.

  5. More like Demon possession, they deny the truth of our Lord and Savior to pursue their sins and perversions unscathed by a conscious.

    The absence/denial of God allows them to be possessed. They believe they can be wicked without consequences not realizing they open their souls belong to Satan and his army of Demons.

    Demonrats are all possessed by Satan. They hate all that is beautiful, good, and holy. That is why they are legaluzing grooming and pedophilia.

    Sex with children will be legal in 20 years. We are very close to the end of days.

  6. Right after this post I visited PJ Media, and voila! Kevin Downey has an article on the glibalists wanting sex with kids…

    It might just be 10 years in Europe, of course the Islamic bunch has been doing this forever.

  7. If he died and was born again as a woman, I might buy his bullshit.
    That is: if his XY changed to XX.
    If not, then not.

    Puerile argument without foundation or logic (as pointed out above).

    Can an orange be surgically altered into an apple?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. ” … and not the type that involves bran muffins.”
    Especially the type that involves bran muffins – fire and sword bran muffins.
    A healthy purge of all society’s bowels.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Remarkable the number of sexual deviations released on society in that one mistake of ‘tolerating’ homosexuals. Eventually the panoply of perverts loosed on society will become so intolerable the whole crew gets shoved back into the closet where they belong. There is historical precedent for both the efflorescence of deviance and society terminating tolerance when the destruction becomes too great to continue to bear.

  10. Don’t you like to be lectured by those who never read the Bible?
    The born again is actually after what Jesus said. Unless someone is born again he cannot see the Father. But then again, they never read the Bible and yet lecturing you on Christianity.


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