“This is about redistribution of power and wealth, it’s not about bringing the races together” – Jesse Lee Peterson – IOTW Report

“This is about redistribution of power and wealth, it’s not about bringing the races together” – Jesse Lee Peterson

Screen Shot 2015-06-29 at 6.41.23 PMJesse Lee Peterson says the left is simply exploiting the Roof shooting to weirdly justify the removal of all confederate flags, and not for the purposes of “healing and bringing the races together.” No, it’s simply an attack on *white men as part of a larger plan to remove him entirely from the landscape.

In one part of the above video (click image to see), he says, “it’s not about getting rid of white power, it’s about taking away the power and wealth from the white man… and giving it to those who don’t deserve it.”

“…and giving it to those who don’t deserve it” is the part of his sentence that he rushes through. But it is the part that should be emphasized to understand that Peterson is not contradicting himself. By saying, “to those who don’t deserve it,” Peterson is pointing out that this is a Coup de tat, and not for purposes of equality and healing, but for supplanting.

The left is not about stripping “some” power in order to reach a “fair” balancing act, it’s about stripping all power and handing it over completely to a different group, achieving nothing but 180º of wrong.

*It’s important, also, to understand the context here. When Peterson says “white man,” he is talking about Christian white men and women. That is clear when you hear the totality of his words.

There are many other interesting observations in Peterson’s rant. For more on this you can visit WORLD NET DAILY.


21 Comments on “This is about redistribution of power and wealth, it’s not about bringing the races together” – Jesse Lee Peterson

  1. I’ve felt this for a long time now. What I can’t wrap my mind around is why. If you look at what’s taken place over the last couple years and where we are headed it’s definitely all about our destruction.

  2. Welcome to the party Brad. Nothing that has been spouted by the far Left and this administration that has been honest or forthright.

    It is all about power and redistribution at the expense of all hard working Americans.

    Since the 2009 ‘Porkulus’ spending spree, which was claimed to be an “infrastructure” Bill, but was used mostly to backfill union pension plans depleted through graft, corruption and Democrat campaign donations, the almost $1 trillion dollar giveaway was a joke from day one. Right up to and including ObamaCare, which will put the brakes on healthcare and the economy for decades to come, thanks to the Robert’s Court.

    I will leave it up to you to gather all the other spending dooming America’s recovery from both Bush 43 and Obama and Obama Part Deaux, so don’t think for one second any, but one or two, of the GOP hopefuls will turn this Shit of State around. It’ll be go along and get along for the ultimate winner.

    America’s fate will not be saved at the Ballot Box. Tell the voters to either vote in “Real” conservatives or kiss their asses good by!

    Like I tell the political beggars….” If you’re looking for money to buy ammo, I’m your guy,otherwise get the fuck off my phone”.

  3. I’ve been to the party for a long time. I see where they’re taking this. What’s the final result? No more producers, just takers? Seems a bit self destructive. I mean really, WTF is George Soros thinking?
    There’s a percentage of this population that not going to let this happen so easy. I believe you live in Northern Cal and understand what I’m talking about.

  4. Everytime the word redistribution is mentioned, the 0.01% just hoard more wealth. You wanna talk about taking? Tell a wealthy person there is a possibility of his wealth shrinking. That equals more wealth in his pocket. Every time. Same as I tell some cocksucker I’m gunna rip off $100 from his pocket. He hightails it, on account of my man muscles about to tear a new asshole.

  5. I don’t think in 0bama’s case it is about separating rich from poor or creating more poor for “equality”. The dude just likes destruction.
    If the rest of the world is destroyed because America is no longer able to survive, even better. He wants to be known as a destroyer of nations.

  6. If these words came from a white man, it would be marginalized by the left. The fact that it was spoken by a black man means it will most definately be marginalized. Things are happening at a rapid pace, these days. You can smell the desparation of the left.

  7. With the Court’s decision on gay marriage, suddenly all church’s non-profit (i.e., tax free) status has come under extreme risk. All those stupid Catholics (I have pretty much become an ex-Catholic) that voted for Obama have invited in the very agent that, through many lawsuits, will cause the demise of the Catholic infrastructure (churches, schools, hospitals, orphanages, charities, etc.). What was once a powerful, charitable organization will be a shadow of what it once was, within maybe twenty years.

  8. We know there is leftist evil that has infiltrated the USA from the inside since approximately 1913 (the Wilson era). It has rotten us from the core ever since. I think the solution is one of two choices.

    1). An incredibly violent uprising of the God fearing folk of this land.


    2). We start our own multi-generational space program.

    The left (Satan) has its (his) claws deep into the USA, it needs it to fund its/his plans. The only option for us is flight or fight. I choose flight. I want you thinkers to think about this. A new project “May Flower”.

  9. Be very prepared now.This is going to start developing exponentially, not in twenty years, but much sooner than we can imagine. The conductor has worked the people up. Be ready, can you hike for days if need be? Can you handle a weapon even a weapon of opportunity? The days are coming when all will fall apart.

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