What protected class is Lady Gaga in that it is considered “hate speech” to say you prefer the First Lady to Lady Gaga?
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What protected class is Lady Gaga in that it is considered “hate speech” to say you prefer the First Lady to Lady Gaga?
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Just more evidence that Gen Z are a pack of faggots who seriously need a major ass kicking on a daily basis.
Their expressions are proof of an underlying symptom of jealousy.
Which of course is immaturity at it’s finest.
Gaga is really gag gag.
You can keep your Mooch. We’ve got MAGA.
^^^^TheMule times a 1000.
You wont see Malania wearing a meat dress.
Gaga go away. At best, you are homely. At worst, you are a very useful idiot.
“Laddie Gag Gag”there is no compairson, the First Lady is a classic beauty. On the other hand you hav not won a dog fight for years.
Like impeachment, hate speech is whatever a Leftist says it is. No reason necessary. Reasons and evidence are tools of white supremacy.
Doris Day or Julie Andrews wouldn’t have been safe from these hateful vultures if they had a connection to President Trump.
I’m offended Gaga absconded with the self anointed title “Lady”.
He/she/it is no lady.
For 18 years speech that implies Americans are good folk has been “hate” speech. To say FLOTUS is good , as defied by our “betters” is, and has been for 18 years, hate speech!
As I recall, Gaga is bi. At least before A Star is Born, and she fell in love with what’shisname.
Everyone knows that people that cannot make up their mind(s) MUST be protected!
But, does she know which bathroom to use?
am I missing something? where is Lady Gaga in the story?