This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University! – IOTW Report

This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University!

Dr. Everett Piper, President

Oklahoma Wesleyan University

This past week, I actually had a student come forward after a university chapel service and complain because he felt “victimized” by a sermon on the topic of 1 Corinthians 13. It appears that this young scholar felt offended because a homily on love made him feel bad for not showing love! In his mind, the speaker was wrong for making him, and his peers, feel uncomfortable.


The rant that follows is good, but not perfect.

I know this is not the Christian thing to do, sometimes the Christian thing to do can hamstring a proper offense in a war, but the “student” needs to be named.

The student needs to have his picture plastered all over the place.

The student needs to be humiliated.

This student should become a poster CHILD for everything that is wrong with universities today.

His name should be synonymous with buffoonery. When a student begins to display behavior close to this person’s they should be warned that they are “getting dangerously close to becoming a ______” (insert unnamed student.)

HT/ H.D.


11 Comments on This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University!

  1. Progressives are not patient or kind. They envy everything they see. They are proud boasters. If that verse sets him off, he’s really not going to like the rest of the Bible.

    I may have to take a closer look at that university, since I’ll be eligible for free tuition next year. Bartlesville, Oklahoma is also where Voice of the Martyrs is located.

  2. These university cry babies, orchestrated by Obama, but only the blacks get money, have made me uncomfortable and trigger something in me…………hate and no patience. I just might invade a safe space, and do something not nice.

    There is so much crap going on right now and they are thinking only of themselves. Reminds me of the 1880’s…..when “me” and greed was the operative word. Now it is back.

    I wish I lived near a university so I could enroll and challenge these whiney cry babies.

  3. Should be 1980’s……not 1880’s.

    Of course I have always felt I should have been born around the 1880-1900 time period. I can’t handle the fascist racist left wing commie liberal progs anymore.

  4. “I know this is not the Christian thing to do, sometimes the Christian thing to do can hamstring a proper offense in a war, but the “student” needs to be named.”

    Christ shamed the Pharisees. It’s all good!

  5. Well, if that particular Bible verse is a trigger for him, he may want to make a note to avoid attending Christian weddings. This passage is read time and time again at weddings, including the one of Prince Charles and The Lady Diana Spencer in 1981.

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