This Is Only Making Voters More Resolute – IOTW Report

This Is Only Making Voters More Resolute

The NY Daily News calls Trump a clown, yet simply reports on the Sanders’ win as if the crazy socialist is just another candidate.

Think about it. The moronic commie is meeting with a fake reverend race pimp and Trump gets the clown makeup.


I’d vote for Trump just because the NY Daily News would go apesh!t.


26 Comments on This Is Only Making Voters More Resolute

  1. Trump zombies are smarter than Obama zombies. 😉

    For Hillary, they aren’t zombies, they are more like flying monkeys.

    I think for Bernie they should be called Stooges, because that’s what the college educational system evidently produces in spades.

    Oops, is “spades” considered a micro-agression?

    Oh well, zero fucks given in any event. 😉

  2. It really is funny how everything this cycle is going against the media / establishment narrative. The media and a good amount of lo-fo voters seem to have no problem at all with a true socialist in the running for the dems (I read that most voters under 40 don’t know what socialism is and think it is some new, “improved” form of govt.). The 2 republican candidates in front both have promised to build a wall and secure the border. Pretty amazing.

  3. I don’t know if I would have described Bernie’s win as “Over the Hill” like that. Sounds a little.ageist to me. But hey, you Dems have fun in your 50-state shuffleboard duel.

  4. Oh, yeah …
    and Obola is “incompetent”
    and Hillary believes in “progress”
    and Mao was an “agrarian reformer”
    and Mandela was a “freedom fighter”
    and Lenin was a “social justice warrior”
    and Stalin strove for “agricultural efficiency”
    and Wilson was a “demonrat”
    and Roosevelt was champion of the “forgotten man”
    and blah, blah, blah … bullshit … blah

  5. I love how libs tell us they are afraid of Rubio or Bush….BULLSHIT.

    Whoever the libs and media call the most names are the ones they actually fear.
    If you think they are screaming now, I can’t wait to hear it when Trump wins the election.

  6. Wouldn’t it be great to see the republicans gather as one, against the MSM, who are in a feeding frenzy, looking forward to real infighting at the SC debate and campaign.

    Maybe one of the republicans candidates will suggest a detente and stick to the issues. We voters hear enough dirt from the MSM Vulturous Sharks.

  7. Yeah, it’s just a wildly provocative front page to sell newspapers. It will be news for exactly as long as it takes for people to read it and throw it in the recycler. I’m guessing Trump will not be giving their editor any exclusives in the coming years.

  8. Had to go to Wally World this morning for a prescription, so I wore my Trump hat.
    Some dickweed saw my hat and announced very loudly that “Trump is an asshole” right behind me in line.
    So I cornered him and asked why he wasn’t at his dead end job, then corrected myself and apologized referencing the fact he was obviously chronically unemployed.
    Then I asked that, since I was probably paying for housing, food and health care, for him and his entire brood, could he go easy on the sugary snacks and cease annoying those who are productive in the world.
    Most fun I’ve had in weeks

  9. Like most newspapers, the New York Daily Times is failing. Unlike most newspapers, the New York Daily Times is failing faster that others.

    They are just about a half step away from running a headline that Trump is an alien or Cruz and Madonna have a love child. I know that pop culture is important, but this is not pop culture – this is a dying business that does not appeal to any younger demographic, and that is losing circulation consistently.

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