This is way better than participation trophies for all – IOTW Report

This is way better than participation trophies for all

This is so wrong it’s right.

Full grown adults in their Mascot outfits play a team of Pop Warner-aged kids.

Watching them stiff-arm, blitz, run over, run down and taunt the kids is priceless, if not a bit sadistic.

Where are the makers of Concussion?

ht/ Petrus

11 Comments on This is way better than participation trophies for all

  1. that’s just sad … you got to be a seriously sick bunch of individuals to beat up on a group of kids .. Pee Wee football doesn’t give out ‘participation’ trophies … winners take all … second place sucks

    I bet each & every one of those ‘adults’ got their collective assed kicked in High School football (if they even made it that far) … did you have a great laugh w/ your buddies at the bar after the game?
    I mean, seriously, you can kick those kids asses without absolutely creaming the crap out of them & going out of your way to do it.

  2. When I was in 7th grade I played intermural football and our “from the suburbs” team played an inner city team from Detroit. We actually played at the old Tiger Stadium on Thanksgiving Day during halftime. We got our ass kicked just like those kids did, we all survived and laugh about it now. It’s funny.

  3. If those kids were anything like me I would have been loving every minute of it.
    It’s not like when they suited up they didn’t know what was going to be out on the field.
    And the mascots are made of foam rubber.

    It looks wrong, but I think the kids are into it.
    The mascots were pretty funny, too.

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