This is what jerks look like – IOTW Report

This is what jerks look like

These idiots are part of Disrupt J20, a group that seeks to just be jerks on inauguration day.

ht/ all too much

Here are some YouTube Comments- (This could get ugly.)

-I’ll be at D.C. on Jan. 20th and I will be disrupting your disruption.

-I will be there and I am more than happy to smash liberal heads.

-you want to start a civil war?

-I pray that you communist scum get blown away the second your protest turns violent. Oh man it’s gunna be a sh*t storm

-Those DJ20 snowflakes might want to say their final goodbyes to their loved ones before they embark on their trip to DC.

-No, no, the fascists are YOU.

-I don’t think you guys understand the huge pro-trump force you will be up against. You guys have had absolutely no-resistance to your protests so far. You really think that tens of thousands of pro-trumpers are gonna let you pelt them with crap. You guys are gonna get messed up, severely messed up. I’ve heard reports the police and national guard training people to use the new vtsr-irritant to disperse disruptive crowds, that stuff is hell nasty and if you wear face masks it turns into a liquid and sticks to your skin due to the increased heat and humidity and causes a horrid rash. The military has been the only people using it but apparently its approved for use against civil unrest. Have fun!

36 Comments on This is what jerks look like

  1. A long time ago, we were taught by
    Marines about crowd control and riots.
    The riot batons they trained us with were
    not nice little sissy black batons, but
    rather large oak riot batons.
    If you beat these rioters with them,
    they won’t come back, and no need to arrest
    them. Let them crawl to their nearest obamacare
    office in the District of Corruption for their
    aid. Pepper spray? Put it in their ass.

  2. Talk about a “cluster f#@k” if I looked it up these two would be the picture of one.

    Protesting is fine, but what they want to do is cause havoc and possibly a riot.
    What a sad statement being made by all these self-important loons about our country.

    Why don’t they go into the mean streets of Chicago and protest all the killings – try to
    disrupt those. At least then they would be doing something useful.

  3. If they’re serious, and believe that Mr. (Pres.) Trump’s election is illegitimate, then they have no option but armed insurrection.
    If, however, they’re just pissed off that America didn’t roll over and play dead at their insistence, then they will put on their sissy-show and go home.

    The proof, as they say, is in the pudding.

    Whining Crybabies or Heroic Revolutionaries – pretty simple, really.

    It’s one thing to sneak up on a cop sitting in his cruiser doing his paper (computer?) work and shooting him in the back of the head – it’s quite another to face him, call him out, and shoot him in his chest.

    My guess is that the roaches will scurry.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Aren’t they cute, in their little matching black outfits? Oh, such naturally curly hair and just perfect with that hat. Awwww…and they’re just learning to talk. Precious.

  5. Jerk=
    Slang. a contemptibly naive, fatuous, foolish, or inconsequential person.

    It fits.

    They have a massive list of needs on their web site. Everything from medical supplies to back rubs. Pitiful, pathetic, useless, unwashed, no intrinsic value wastes of time and space.

  6. Firetruck borne water cannons will clear the roadblocks and street actions. If they happen to be handcuffed to each other and get washed off in different directions, that should only be thought of as a learning opportunity for each of them. 🙂 If all this promised happy horse**** happens, somebody please get a screen grab for IOTW regulars!

  7. “Yeah, we work with smaller groups.” LOL! Safety in numbers. Bikers are going to have some fun with that skinny runt. As far as handcuffing to each other, that would be less work for the cops, unless a few of the hands get detached from one another. That could be messy as to which hand belongs to whom. I think I’ll have a beer with that popcorn, maybe have a pizza delivered.

  8. Not really about Trump. They are amti-America.

    It’s in her answer that starts at 1:35.

    It includes: “In addition to de-legitimizing Trump, … (yada) … we don’t really consent to most of these systems that exist.”

    The question starts at 1:18 when he asked about what they hope to accomplish, since Trump’s the pres even if the ceremony is shut down.

    Don’t these qualify as domestic enemies referred to in the various oaths to protect the Constitution?

    If not, who is?

  9. The LEFT loves to romanticize the REVOLUTION. Yeah, it’s drum circles and “Man the barricades!” and “Kill the fascists!” They win and it’s all pie-in-the-sky on Rock Candy Mountain.

    Let them start an honest-to-goodness, all-out insurrection, and We The (up to now, Docile) People will quickly dispel all their leftist notions of a romantic, egalitarian, Marxist Revolution.

  10. They fear governmental force will be used against them because they are losers, deviants, and communist scum with Trump in charge. Guess what morons, incite a riot and that is exactly what will happen. Provoke a response and you will become the victims you dream to be.

  11. Their struggling Single Mommies must be so proud.

    Cut off all Federal funds to the state Universities with programs to indoctrinate these SJW sheep.

    And RICO and arrest the entire SOROS organization. Of course.

    I’ll be in D.C. for the inauguration to see President Trump sworn in.

    Most of these social media Lefties will be no-shows.

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