This is what mass hypnosis looks like – IOTW Report

This is what mass hypnosis looks like

37 Comments on This is what mass hypnosis looks like

  1. Toronto threw in the towel 2 days ago.

    They are going with, “If You feel sick, assume covid & isolate for 5 days.”

    No Test, No rapid test, just assume the worst.

    Anyone I knew who got tested in a line got sick 5 days latter regardless.

  2. As I wrote earlier: if I just have to have a disease, I want one that you have to test to determine whether or not you have it.

    Not one of those nasty ones where you bleed out your eyes and ears, or cough up your lungs, or experience the torments of the damned – all doubled over in pain.

    (looks like the free food line)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. My liberal BFF this weekend posted a video by a fellow mind numbed tweeter-“how to turn your surgical mask into a N95 mask.” It was a skilled origami effort but…!?!?

    I just don’t know what’ll take for her and those like her to snap out of it.

  4. Some things that I’ve learned during this COVID1984 Insanity….

    Utilize the Zelenko Protocols before and after you get “cold symptoms”….

    Never ever let them ventilate you….

    Never ever let them give you….remdesivir.

    Good luck….everyone.

  5. A few weeks ago in my little town of Chickenbone SC, there was a huge line at the building that’s shared by the PD & town hall. I thought they were giving out fruit baskets or food but they were coercing anyone that remotely came close or inquired to “Get in line for a free covid test!”

    Just when you think things are loosening up, you see this sh*t.

  6. If you want a free covid test donate blood (so far I’ve been tested three times – all negative). Not sure if all blood donation organizations do the test but the one in Amarillo does. That way you know if you are positive or not and you are helping out those in need of a transfusion.

    Also, when I start feeling “cough cough”, I take extra vitamin C, an extra Zinc, vitamin D3, and a couple of echinacea. Then a double margarita to wash it down. Then even if I get sick I don’t care (kidding about the margarita).

  7. Over 2 million new cases, maybe it’s time to bring out the kool-aid. If you never been or have been, you be “coofed” this time.
    Another note, on the show Yellowstone, about 2 weeks ago they showed how that horse paste is made. After they jerked off the horse, had enough paste for a couple of months, bottoms up.

  8. I’d bet that, being the liberal place that milwaukee is, they have laws against ‘idling’ of vehicles for more than 10 minutes or so. What happened to the carbon footprint thingy?

  9. These are the same people who spend 7 hours of an 8 hour day waiting in line at Disney and they are going to hit up the food bank line after being tested.

    I still don’t understand testing. What’s the point? If you’re sick stay home and get better, why are they venturing out to spread the world’s deadliest virus? Besides, who is all like, “gee, I feel like shit today, let me go spend a couple hours in line for someone to tell me I’m sick?”

  10. I finally got the covid last week. All better now…like a mild cold. Must have gotten it from my son, who got it the week before. Mild cold for him, too. My wife got some test kits through insurance two weeks ago, that’s how I “know” it was covid. Otherwise, we would have just treated as a cold. Actually, that is how we treated it. Chicken soup and aspirin.

    There was a world before this panic, Wisconsin. Please try to remember what it was like, what you used to do, and then do those things. Please.

  11. Those are the people who are unstable, emotionally charged, have minimal reasoning skills, and make decisions based on emotion rather than thinking. Despite evidence from credible sources, these types have no capacity for consequential thinking, are chronically gullible and are easily fooled. That is their lot.

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