This Is Where I Belong – IOTW Report

This Is Where I Belong

Images from:

1 Claudia (Ivan)
2 Sturge
3 Anonymous (Lexie)
4 NoMoBo (Rags, Molly, Caledonia)
5 Reiuxcat
6 Rando (HouseCat #3)
7 Poor Lazlo (Angus)
8 Miss Conduct
9 Dee
10 Little Sis (Pistol)
11 Marco (Jameson)
12 Bcattin (Seamus [white] and William [harlequin])
13 Eugenia
14 Debbie (Toby)
15 Charlie WalksonWater (Toby Tornado)

Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:

They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!

Critters and their Daddys
Critters doing funny things
Expressive critter faces


23 Comments on This Is Where I Belong

  1. Back when I used NoMoBo as my screen name, in the early days of Obama.

    My three babies are gone now, across the Rainbow Bridge. Thanks for the memories, Claudia.

    I love all of these. Our critters all look so content.

  2. Caroleigh, This is one of my favorite pics of Ivan. He always wanted to be as close to me as possible. He was such a big kitty, that I had to lay my arm on the desk and slouch over so I could hold him like this. I miss him.

    riverlife_callie, Ah, yes. I remember now. I kept all the pics reader have sent me in the past so I could use them again.

  3. Claudia — When I saw your picture of Ivan snuggled on your shoulder, it was like looking at my Jax — also an orange tabby. He does the very same thing! Like a little baby with that (what I call) “scrunchy face”. So contented. I remember Ivan from past posts. I hope the pain of losing him has softened.

  4. All these pets mean so much to their owners and friends. Whenever I see Jameson sleeping wherever he feels like it, I realize he is telling me who owns his home.

  5. Anonymous, mostly because of bandwidth ($$$) restrictions. Also, some of the original pictures are blurry, but I want to post pics from the readers. I clean up what I can, but it still comes down to optimizing the pics to fit our bandwidth requirements.

    I have thought of using less pictures, which I still might do from time-to-time. I’ll see how that works out.

  6. AbigailAdams, when Ivan had surgery and I picked him up from the vet, he crawled on my shoulder like this with his paws around each side of my neck. While the vet was showing me his x-ray, I heard the techs (three girls) behind me awwwing that he was so cute and cuddly.

    The pain has subsided and it helps to have his portrait that Fur painted to look at and make me smile.

  7. Love is… Having your 60lb “lap dog” cuddling up on your lap, while scrolling through Claudia’s pet pics. My furry little sweetie enjoys your posts as much as I do.

  8. Thanks for featuring my family! What a pleasant surprize! I’m sending a cute pic for your future critter feature – all i have is a png though. Love Sunday critters!


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