This Leftist Tweet is So Bad I Thought it Was Parody – IOTW Report

This Leftist Tweet is So Bad I Thought it Was Parody

“Today’s Supreme Court decision is a direct attack on Black people. No Black person will be able to succeed in a merit-based system which is exactly why affirmative-action based programs were needed. Today’s decision is a TRAVESTY!!!” – Erica Marsh, Proud Democrat: Former Field Organizer to elect President Biden. Volunteer for the Obama Foundation. (She/Her)


I haven’t heard something this bad since–

24 Comments on This Leftist Tweet is So Bad I Thought it Was Parody

  1. Maybe Whoopie could lose some of that excess poundage by cleaning her own bathroom, and doing her own gardening.

  2. @Thirdtwin – a lot of people are questioning whether this is satire. But she does appear to have a litany of leftist tweets so it seems to be what she actually thinks.

  3. …and he says this about a ruling by Clarence Thomas, who succeeded in the very way he says Black people cannot, DESPITE Democrats trying to destroy him and pull him down to what THEY think a Black man SHOULD BE…

  4. LOL. All you can do is laugh though, it’s just like parody. Check out these back-to-back tweets from that account:

    Erica Marsh
    Jun 29

    The conservatives on the court are literally NAZI’S!
    Erica Marsh
    Jun 29
    Today is June 29th, and Joe Biden is the BEST president in US history.

  5. My retired friend who worked his way out of the literal Projects, completed a highly technical career in which it is not possible to cheat because stuff won’t run and/or kill people if you try, who showed up early every day except when he had a heart attack, worked his ASS off every day for 30 years after a 10 year technical career before that, and graduated two daughters from a college several states away where he personally carried all their dorm funiture back and forth twice a year in his very used pickup truck begs to differ with you saying that “No Black person will be able to succeed in a merit-based system “, Ms. Racist White Savior…

  6. First Dobbs,then Bruen, then AA, then student loans, then religious liberty…

    The sound of liberal heads popping across the land is so glorious. I bathe in their infantile satanic marxist tears.

    They will of course blithely ignore all these rulings and have to be sued into extinction but the legal baselines are being set.

    Prepare for the court packing term limits screeching with Upchuck Shitmer on the courthouse steps and then the inevitable slew of marxist executive orders from ValJars pen and phone but they are losing. Without the House all they can do is wail and rend their garments asunder.

    The legacy of PDJT is giving them a royal ass fucking and the usual dissenting opnions of the liberal retards is exposing how light weight they are.

    Meanwhile the Pedos karmic deterioration continues apace and the perverted pile of desiccated shit is melting away daily.

    So much winning.

  7. Affirmative-action made black people unfireable. Even it they were a completely usless, POS human being, shitty employee, they could say that it because of race.
    They’re doing the same for LGPTQ+XYZ now.
    Gen Z have proven themselves to pretty useless as well.

  8. funny, buddy of mine put the cuffs on Rosie Perez when she was caught buying crack in South Jamaica Queens in the confines of the 113Pct back in 1994(5). He shit canned it, absolutely verbally killed her and brought her skank ass to tears and threw the rocks down the sewer

  9. I remember the last time the world ended, when SCOTUS tossed Roe v Wade. Seems like the left still has all the abortions they ever had before, they’ll survive this change as well.

  10. No Black person will be able to succeed in a merit-based system …

    No detectable White Supremacy there uh???
    Oh but WE are using it as propaganda. Right.
    We’ve had affirmative action since 1961. If skills can’t be developed in 6 decades (that’s like four generations) it ain’t gonna happen, especially when there are programs on top of programs that re-enforce dependency, not to mention waving the “racism” flag 24/7!

  11. It’s because the Progressive/Left believes a “merit-based” system to be racist and a construct of “white patriarchy.”

    “Blacks can’t get an I.D.”
    “Blacks can’t go to a voting precinct.”
    “Blacks can’t access the internet.”
    “Blacks can’t access healthy food.”
    “Blacks CAN and must access abortion-on-demand.”

    All of the above are Democrat positions. The Progressive/Left are the worst racists of all as, at their very core, they own Blacks “definitionally.”

  12. Ted Nougat – EXACTLY!

    The majority of Blacks live in the Progressive/Left Plantation Shit Holes where where the real slavery of the 21st century keeps ’em down. Wander off that plantation and see how quickly you get branded an Uncle Tom or a MAGA terrorist!

  13. She’s a product of progressive parents and socialism-based education. Indoctrinated to be too stupid to have a rational, independent thought or understand she’s the racist not conservatives.


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