This Looks Like the Work of Sabo – Someone is Putting Up SHE KNEW Posters of Meryl Streep – IOTW Report

This Looks Like the Work of Sabo – Someone is Putting Up SHE KNEW Posters of Meryl Streep

Rose McGowan ripped Streep over the weekend for knowing about Weinstein but remaining silent.

Streep insists she never knew Weinstein was a sexual predator.

But did she not know that Roman Polanski anally raped a 13 year-old girl in Jack Nicholson’s hot tub after plying her with champagne and Quaaludes when she did THIS –>

Everyone in this clip applauding should be ostracized and replaced by people that boo when a rapist wins an award.


6 Comments on This Looks Like the Work of Sabo – Someone is Putting Up SHE KNEW Posters of Meryl Streep

  1. Everyone loves young girls … the Judge loves young girls … what frikkin fool would rather boff Meryl Streep?

    Get serious. The French understand these things. Americans pretend to morality, but the culture clearly shows the disconnect.

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