This Man Is Not Running Anywhere – IOTW Report

This Man Is Not Running Anywhere

. . . He Is Ready For Mandatory “Vaccines” 😉

h/t Joe6Pak.

28 Comments on This Man Is Not Running Anywhere

  1. I hear you. I’m not sure what I would do at that exact moment (forced vaccine, forced gun confiscation, forced listening to Madonna, etc.) but I hope I would not pull a GOPe and say “yes sir, may I have another”.

  2. I was told today by my boss that they will probably have mandated vaccines very soon and he just wanted me to know. I told him what happened to “my body my choice”? I also told him I will be against it until they make me pull up my sleeve in order to keep me job and I will not be happy. Also if the vaccine is safe why the NO Liability clause they will FORCE me to sign. Hundreds who are forced on the vaccine will go on disability. I guarantee.

    Say your prayers everyday!!!!!

    God Bless us all!!!!

  3. Joe6

    Great link, spot on. As others have pointed out this is a hill worth dying on. It’s all Bull Shit and what we end up with is the elites trying to force their will on us. I’m done. I’m an old man I guess, but I’m in pretty good shape for the shape I’m in. They’ve pushed to far.

  4. My time might be short, I’ll tell those bastards to get off my lawn, then 1,2, bang, bang, bang, 3. Sorry about not giving them a 3 count, I was just kind of excited.

  5. If there’s no wife or kids around…

    The key is seeing that they’re not present when the time comes.

    Will you know when they’re coming or send the loved ones away much before it gets to that point?

    Old men don’t give a f*** and keeping score to get at least one (hopefully many more) before they get you.

    Are people surprised by the fact that you’re armed in your own home?

    Idle thoughts can turn into plans…

  6. I got an email from GAB today providing what they call ,“air tight religious exemption request” for the COVID vaccine if it is mandatory for you at work, school, or in the military. Here it is;

    As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not big on ,”Lock and load”, or “Kill’em all and let God sort them out” rhetoric. Serious people have already opined that if it ever comes down to actual shooting, we’ve lost already. But I certainly understand and accept the urgency of the matter, I just hope that cooler heads will prevail.

  7. rich taylor

    “As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not big on ,”Lock and load”, or “Kill’em all and let God sort them out” rhetoric.”
    Sick to death of it. The same idiots have been typing the same shit since Reagan was in office.
    Having said that, cooler heads better not try and force the Jab. That’s the line. Don’t cross it.

  8. Rich Taylor, I have the docs now that I will sign and have notarized. Let’s see how it goes over. Will keep you posted.

    Say your prayers everyday! I do!!!

    God Bless us all!

  9. Ordinarily it drives me nuts to have someone try and get me interested in a dream they had. So I’m breaking a rule here. Last night I dreamt I was way in the sticks, had Fauci duct taped to a tree, with an apple on his head. I told him I had my AR with optics I’d never scoped in yet. So I’d start off at two feet above his head and come down 6” each shot. So I blasted the apple, and left him duct taped to the tree. That’s when I woke up. I hope he’s still there.

  10. Many boomers – the group they’re trying to kill the most – are willing to fight and die on this hill. And we should fight, not only because we’re dead already, but because the bastards deserve to die before our progeny are ruined forever.

  11. Brave, handsome, Godly American patriotic soldier in a 10 gallon hat…oh yeah! *swoon*.
    He’s right. There is nowhere else to go when backed into a corner by socialist/communist mandates…Forward. Charge!
    Nothing left to lose if you’re not free.

  12. I believe him

    I’ve posted here about black friends of mine all being retired military who I met hunting and fishing and they are all from the Deep South. They simply do not make idle threats. They just don’t.


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