This tweet by Kamala Harris is still up – IOTW Report

This tweet by Kamala Harris is still up

15 Comments on This tweet by Kamala Harris is still up

  1. She proudly posed in front of a Ho Chi Minh statue in Vietnam, so why would she take this tweet down?

    She either has no clue as to the truth a bout Ho and Jussie, or she enjoys poking a stick in our eyes. Of course, there’s always “and”.

  2. Jussie Smollett is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being any Nigerian ever encountered at two o’clock in the freezing morning during a phony modern day lynching to support a Jamindian Senator running for a higher office than the one one she wasn’t qualified for in the first place. No doubt Jussie Smollett is supporting his fellow homosexualists in Afghanistan as much as the Veep Throat. They are both living proof that it’s easy to fool people who want to be fooled.

  3. That Kalamity Harris’ comment about Jussie Smollett is so like something taken directly from the “Manchurian Candidate” that I’m beginning to believe she must have been captured and brainwashed by the Chinese Communists. On the other hand, she doesn’t seem to have ever had much brain matter to wash.

  4. Kamala was directly involved in the Somollett fake lynching. I won’t be surprised if Obama was as well.
    The Somollett faux attack preceded the “Lynching Bill”. I believe the bill was written to assure the leftists would not be lynched if they were found guilty of their many crimes.
    The two participants in the crime have already confessed that it was a fraud.


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