Thomas Sowell – The Failure of the Federal Reserve – IOTW Report

Thomas Sowell – The Failure of the Federal Reserve

thomas sowell


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Interviewed by Uncommon Knowledge’s Peter Robinson, Sowell criticizes the actions of the Federal Reserve and corrects a common misconception about the Great Depression.

4 Comments on Thomas Sowell – The Failure of the Federal Reserve

  1. while some of you actually have investments, rest assured the rest of us have NOTHING

    All your stocks WEALTH are belong to us. #NYSE @TheBanksters

    Maybe #Cosby slipped it (#NYSE) some ‘luudes

    Must be SOME ceo had a Confederate flag in their private washroom #NYSE

    @IowaHawkBlog turned up the boost on the #NYSE turbochargers and it couldn’t handle the speed/cooling ratio

    Aaaand #SHTF Day is TODAY #NYSE

    Upon walking to Gov Office, Krispie Kreme Christy stepped on a crack, broke his Mother’s #NYSE

  2. The Federal Reserve has NOT failed. It has slowly, methodically bought a large part of the United States and several other countries via debt leveraging. . . and even set the price it paid via the interest rates. Remember we’re talking about private banks here.

  3. According to the way the federal reserve was laid out, the money supply would be elastic. That is, expand when needed and contract when not needed. It has NEVER contracted. Even a 2% rise in inflation each year is compounded on top of the addition of that 2% to the original supply. So by now, we are in deep shit thanks to the federal reserve.

    It has outlived its usefulness. Abolish it.

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