Those Damn Right-Wing Terrorists Strike Again – IOTW Report

Those Damn Right-Wing Terrorists Strike Again


I wasn’t entirely forthcoming in this post about why I haven’t written much the last few days. It is true that I have been in Washington, mostly to attend the Michael Mann v. Mark Steyn trial. I will write up my thoughts on the trial (or at least, those portions I have seen) when I have time.

But something else has been distracting me: leftists firebombed my office last Saturday night. At around 2 am, they broke into the building that houses Center of the American Experiment and two other conservative organizations with which we often collaborate, along with many other businesses. The arsonists set two fires: one was in the first floor corridor between American Experiment’s office and the space we sublease to Take Charge, Kendall and Sheila Qualls’ organization. A second fire was set on the third floor, immediately outside or perhaps actually inside the office of the Upper Midwest Law Center, on whose board I serve. This photo shows what the corridor outside my office looks like:


ht/ kr

17 Comments on Those Damn Right-Wing Terrorists Strike Again

  1. FIFY,
    Then the solution is to NOT tell the FiBbIes, and deal with justice on your own terms.

  2. BFH,
    I hope nothing valuable was lost in the fire, that you had paper and digital multiple copies backed up on the regular, and stored off-site.
    Since you didn’t mention any people losses, I’m thinking no one was hurt/burned/injured/killed. We can/should Thank God for such small favors.

  3. This sucks ass, but it appears nobody got hurt – so there’s that to be thankful of.

    This proves they will do anything to stop us. Let’s hope and pray that the FBI will actually investigate and was not part of it to begin with. I believe there are still good FBI agents, especially the farther they are from HQ.

    Not sure how this could be prevented in the future without a 24×7 security detail….

  4. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
    FRIDAY, 2 FEBRUARY 2024, 10:28 AT 10:28 AM
    Then the solution is to NOT tell the FiBbIes, and deal with justice on your own terms.”

    …it’s not optional. The FD has to investigate an arson, and if political motivation or explosives or other proscribed materials, FBI involvement is MANDITORY.

    There was this time someone blew up a refrigerator inside a Sears I worked at. Didn’t hurt anyone but made a mess out of the refrigerator. FBI was called and took pictures, and since this was back in the film camera days, they used a one-hour photo in the mall. This turned into a circus because the one-hour folks had the machine arranged so it dropped the pictures past the window into the mall so everyone could see them, and the Fibbies didn’t want that so they made a fireman hold a blanket over the window till they all dropped out, alarming people in the mall who didn’t know why a full-bunker firefighter was standing in front of a mall shop holding a blanket.

    Also, the mall had cameras, the parking lot had cameras, and pre-Eddy Lampert Sears had cameras, some of which still actually worked, so guess who the FBLie caught and prosecuted for blowing up a refrigerator with illegal explosives in an occupied Sears?

    No one.

    So we never knew who blew up the refrigerator, why, or of they were going to blow more stuff up. They ultimately did not and that store is long since closed so they never will, but the prospect made the Appliance Department breathe menace for awhile, and NOT from an overanxious salesman’s halitosis for a change.

    They were useless then, and will be useless now.

    You’ll see…

  5. “I am working with the FBI to try to identify the perpetrators.”

    All that’s going to get you is sudden uncontrollable vehicular acceleration into an immovable object, followed by a 50’ fireball.

  6. Unfortunately, even if the arsonists all somehow dropped their ID inside the building, coupled with HD video clearly showing their faces, the FIB will be stumped or say they found no evidence of a crime.


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