Anne Heche tried to escape from paramedics after car crash – IOTW Report

Anne Heche tried to escape from paramedics after car crash

This video has gone viral of Anne Heche waking up out of a coma while being tended by paramedics.
Sadly, the actress died later on in the hospital, probably due to smoke inhalation. MORE

21 Comments on Anne Heche tried to escape from paramedics after car crash

  1. SNS will probably have a thorough explanation eventually of how Heche could wake up from a possible coma, then thrash around with some amount of consciousness.

    However, there may be spiritual aspect of her frantic movements that should also be considered. Demonic torment is real and Heche may have experienced it at that moment. She was a troubled soul and if she had no relationship with God, for eternity, her troubles have just begun; .

    Sincerely, I hope Miss Heche knew Christ before she died. Tragically, I doubt it. She seemed consumed with desructive issues, which sent her speeding through the streets, crashing and almost burned alive. That is not evidence of a redeemed life in Christ.

    BTW, This is not a judgment. Either you know Christ or not. There are certain spiritual characteristics that confirm what decision a person has made.

    I’m very sad for Heche. She was attractive, very talented, gifted, intense and loved life. Yet, apparently she did not find peace.
    I hope she has peace now through God’s grace and mercy.

  2. “Sinners do not fear death; they fear the revelation of the Living God.”

    She may have had an epiphany in her “comatose” state.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Coroner ruled Death an Accident from smoke inhalation & burns, as per CP-24.

    I don’t consider “driving like ya stole it” in a residential area Drunk, High & Angry an Accident, but I’m a bit of a Dullard.

    If she wanted to punch her ticket, she should have done it without risking other people’s lives.

  4. I always thought I wanted to go out in a fiery crash and get it over with fast, but after this botched suicide I’m going to rethink things. I knew a guy who tried blowing his head off and only managed to just take 80% of his lower face off, and now eats with a syringe. Waking up dead looks interesting.

  5. Or, her 15 minutes has been all used up. High on cocaine & fentanyl, crashed, injured & burned. Maybe you’d want to get the fuck out of there too. Most likely she was in a state of shock.

  6. @99th Squad Leader: Sincerely, I hope Miss Heche knew Christ before she died. Tragically, I doubt it. She seemed consumed with desructive issues, which sent her speeding through the streets, crashing and almost burned alive. That is not evidence of a redeemed life in Christ.


    The Bible is very clear “Believe on the Lords Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” For a sinner like myself, I won’t judge her – I know nothing about her. However, no one will ask God why Anne Heche is there. God’s reply might be: “She’s here for the same reason you are and you barely made it.” That’s usually my standard answer. I believe, I’ll accept that free gift of eternal life.

    I just want to share one thing. Life is fragile. I didn’t set off yesterday on my hike to almost get bitten by a rattler. I was in striking distance and he was ready to strike. I would have been a goner for sure – miles from help. So, we never know what will end it for us. I don’t wanna go out with the same type of viper that changed humanity in the garden forever.

  7. Goldenfoxx, I appreciate your genuine response to my comments. I have to make the point that yes, a person has to know Christ and be saved/rescued as the Word of God requires. By God’s grace and their faith to believe gets them an eternity in Heaven.
    This must be done before a person dies otherwise, their destination will be Hell. Not something God desires for man. A relationship with Christ is paramount. On judgment day, sadly, many will hear from him say, “I do not know you”.

    Yes, we really don’t know Heche or that she’s with the Lord, but I really want to see and greet Miss Heche in Heaven. It would be so wonderful to see her there.

    As for your comment of what God would say when we get in His presence in Heaven is not accurate. God says there is no more condemnation as one who knows Him. God would state with great Love, “Welcome, good and faithful servant”. The conditions of our acceptance would not be referenced. It is forgotten.
    Consequently, a person’s sinful nature would be erased and no longer accessible as the east is from the west. The horrible sins we encountered and succumbed to will be gone.

    Goldenfoxx, so glad that one of God’s Holy angels was there to protect you from certain death from a snake bite. Paul a little more dramatically and miraculously experienced a similar situation. See Acts 28:1-6, The Holy Bible.

    Finally, God is merciful. He loves us. He provided a way to know, plus be with Him through Christ’s sacrifice – victory over death, Hell and the grave. God wants that for us, too.
    A person must know for sure they have a relationship with Christ, now before they pass away. There should be no hesitation or doubt about it.

    Please note, I’ve referenced scripture to support the information provided. I hope anyone reading my comments confirms it for themselves.

  8. Agreed, AbigailAdams. My heart just goes out to her. I really hope she made it to Heaven. Sin takes such a horrible toll on all of us. The only way of escape from the suffering sin causes is to know God.

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