Those Things Are Real – IOTW Report

Those Things Are Real

Daily Wire

Daily Beast contributing editor Justin Baragona accused Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s team of doctoring a photo of Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) for a segment on Carlson’s Wednesday night show.

“So it appears that Tucker’s producers added ‘googly eyes’ to AOC in this image,” Baragona posted, captioning the image of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez featured on the show. More

Mark Steyn had skewers Baragona mercilessly when given a chance on Tucker’s program. Here

20 Comments on Those Things Are Real

  1. Lets be Fair.

    AOC has huge Googlie Eyes like the Cookie monster. Not her fault. We should not make fun and celebrate our differences.

    She also Has huge tits for her size and a mouth that could fit around a door Knob. Once again, we should not make fun and celebrate our differences.

  2. Mark Steyn rocks. Love his wit. Justin Baragona on the other hand looks like a major pillow biter. But in his defense, The Daily Beast probably requires that lifestyle from it’s editors.

  3. She is a critter that Michael Savage said his father called “A Bug”.
    On his show Michael S. once said he was looking at a guy across the street when he was young and his father said
    “Don’t look at him. He can feel you doing it and he’ll come over. He’s a bug. Don’t make eye contact.”


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