In about a day after the Orlando shooting, some very cynical programmers thought it would be oh-so smart to make a video game mocking those who expressed their condolences for the Pulse night club massacre.
See It here
I’d like to see the NRA come up with a version that lets a person with a conceal carry permit take out the Muslim murder.
I’ve got a great idea for an Orlando Massacre game. It’s called “Where In The World Is Noor Zahi Salman?” It’s a first person shooter game.
How do they know thoughts and prayers haven’t saved any lives?
Amen to what Navigator said x 1,000!
Amen also to an NRA mooozlum extermination game with possibly an add-on module for exterminating liberals, too.
These are the type of people who will disarm us but they will be safe with their own weapons or protective services. Screw them!
In a gun free zone that’s all you have to protect yourself – Thoughts and Prayers
I hope the jihadis kill all the liberal faggots. There – – where does that rate on you little video game?
“Iād like to see the NRA come up with a version that lets a person with a conceal carry permit take out the Muslim murder.”
I remember an add-on in my son’s Ghost Recon computer game where you hunted down bin Laden. The bastard was hiding in a cave and you got to take out a bunch of dirty moslem guards with your premium weapons before you wasted the piece of shit.
Loads of fun.