Thousands Upon Thousands At Trump Wildwood Rally (with Update) – IOTW Report

Thousands Upon Thousands At Trump Wildwood Rally (with Update)

Mr. Pinko, Frankie H and Toots Sweet are at the rally and they can say, without question, it is a sea of people, despite the cold weather.

I’d say Pinko got a good seat–>

Here’s a picture-

28 Comments on Thousands Upon Thousands At Trump Wildwood Rally (with Update)

  1. Yup, looks like a Trump rally! Consistently draws bigger crowds than a bunch of guys with guitars! POTUS Trump is enough music for our ears.

    Mr.P: Hope you were there early enough to get inside!! Either way, it’ll be a great time.

  2. God bless Trump !
    meanwhile the democrat front runners still have to pay people to see them at their stops, so it’s not all msm people there.

    what’s with the pixilation ?
    couple of boobs showing ?

  3. Mr. Pinko or anyone who is going to a P.Trump rally try and get a temp. job as a volunteer usher or any other job they need help with. The local RNC is a good place to start.
    That will get you into the event.

  4. Fake news. It is really amazing what they can do with a few astroturfers and Photoshop. Trump’s days are numbered as the impeachment noose tightens around his neck.

  5. Whew! Took me awhile to find N.J. on my Dennys map of the USA, what with all the letters and lines all over over the place.

    Now, I don’t “do” anything east of the Mississippi, but is anybody else surprised at the turnout? The way N.J. is portrayed in the media it never struck me as a place normal people lived.

    But, being a rube in flyover country disqualifies me from politic learnin’ or so they say.

  6. Hopefully we will see a nice panoramic of the POTUS on the stage taken by @Pinko posted by @BFH – update.

    In the old Garden (MSG) those were considered the ‘red’ seats, ha ha, literally.

  7. I hope Trump has a rally at a military base. It’s about the only place that could handle the parking, and 200,000 people on a parade field. One parade field I was on, the running track around it was over 2 miles in circumference, so the field for the General’s review, was friggin’ huge.

    It would be great to see a record crowd turn out, and even would have trouble ignoring it.


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