Three Separate Coin Shop Owners Shocked as Their Bank Accounts Suddenly Shut Down with No Reason Given  – IOTW Report

Three Separate Coin Shop Owners Shocked as Their Bank Accounts Suddenly Shut Down with No Reason Given 

GP: An Ohio-based coin shop owner recently took to YouTube to share alarming news: His regional bank, with whom he has been a customer for years, has suddenly decided to sever ties by closing all six of his business and personal accounts.

The coin shop owner, who operates a coin shop dealing in silver and gold, received certified letters from his bank stating, “After a recent review, we have decided to end our relationship with you and close your accounts… As stated in your account agreement, we can close your account at any time, for any reason, with or without notice. We will begin our closing process on September 6, 2023.”

What’s shocking is that the bank has declined to provide any reason for their abrupt decision, leaving the owner and his family in the dark. The letters came without prior notice, affecting multiple accounts, including those belonging to his children and wife. more

12 Comments on Three Separate Coin Shop Owners Shocked as Their Bank Accounts Suddenly Shut Down with No Reason Given 

  1. I have 3 separate bank accounts. Two of them are credit unions (one of them from the 70s) and the third is a local bank. I do have an investment account, but who knows when that will be drained by the government.

    I know I won’t be safe forever, but I just trust that God will only allow what he wants me to go through. The worse they could do would be to send me Heaven sooner than I would expect.

  2. I read the article and I know everyone talks about getting gold bars to hedge against societal breakdown.

    The common denominator is they deal in precious metals. 2+2 =…

    It’s really as simple as cutting off everyone’s ability to survive without the Govt and the “systems” they will use to force us against our will into the new world order.

    This is really scary stuff. You know it’s Govt pressure behind this. They aren’t saying why because that way they aren’t lying as to why. They sure as hell know why.

    I can only see this as causing runs on banks, but really, if cash is no good, how is it any better by having large stacks of worthless money?

    I’ve always wondered how gold would be useful if it can’t translate to cash. You can’t eat it and the Big Guy will take it from you at every chance he gets.

    Suddenly, brass, lead, and particularly shaped steel become more valuable than gold. Same with food. No wonder they are wreaking havoc on farms.

    These people are evil to the core.

    Many a good person will not find a problem dealing harshly, and permanently, with the apparatchiks when the time comes. Especially those that know what has happened in history when these types of people are in power.

    Most good people just want to be left alone. They don’t want to be tread on.

  3. I have some gold buried in hermetically sealed containers in close proximity to my septic tank. I have a friend who once told me he buried lengths of RE-BAR in his back forty if they come looking for his firearms!

  4. Silver is a better bargain, gold is too value dense for me to dabble in. if you end up using it for barter, how do you buy small level items, gold has too much value in too small of a package. Physical possession is the only method I trust, ETF metals are worthless in my opinion, the funds seem kinda sketchy, if I can’t stand over it, I don’t own it. keep your purchases small, and they stay under the radar.


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