Three Years Of Obamacare – IOTW Report

Three Years Of Obamacare

On Friday, last week, the Department of Health and Human Services released an end of year review for 2015. The enrollment data for this year isn’t good for the viability of the program.


Those buying health insurance through the ACA is 50% of what was projected and continues to lag. This, despite the rising Obamacare penalty for not having insurance.

In addition, roughly a quarter of those that enrolled in Obamacare last year dropped their coverage. Some didn’t qualify, others couldn’t afford it and still others gamed the system to get coverage, then stop paying premiums after receiving medical services.



The final bad news, those who still have insurance through Obamacare are a lot poorer than was every projected. That means a lot more of them are getting subsidies and tax credits from tax payers than was expected.


16 Comments on Three Years Of Obamacare

  1. It isn’t supposed to work.

    The failure of ObolaCare is supposed to usher in The Glorious Socialized Medical Scam and we’re braying for it!

    All the candidates are bloviating about how they’re gonna “repeal and replace” instead of “get rid of.”

    The fact of the matter is that Health Insurance is NOT a proper function of the FedGov and, contrary to BS’s assertion, is NOT a RIGHT, expressed or implied, by our Constitution.

  2. Is it me or common core math?

    if 94 million people are not working (who should be), how can they afford health care insurance even with subsidies? Gubermint reports only around 15 million left out currently.

    Am I just boozing too much that I can’t recognize my math mistake?

  3. I keep tellin’ ya, there’s a way around all this O’BolaCare Tax&Fine mess. If you don’t want/can’t afford/don’t care to buy any health insurance, and don’t want to pay the IRS, listen up, and listen tight (thanks, Duke).
    This won’t do you any good for last year 2015, it’s too late for that, but it may help you this year (2016).

    First, FYI, the tax/fine ONLY COMES OUT OF ANY Income Tax Refunds due you. So far, it’s not charged against you, directly.

    Second, adjust your income tax withholdings so that you BARELY don’t get any taxes withheld. Example – family of three, claim 4. Family of four, claim 5.

    Then, take the difference in withholdings and set it aside in a separate bank account. Let it pile up. Then, when it comes income tax time, YOU are paying THEM, and the IRS can’t add anything extra to it to “punish” you for NOT having the proper health insurance.

    But if you do the same’ol’same’ol’ that the majority of sheeple continue to do, and expect a large refund when you don’t have what Teh Massas say is proper health insurance, THAT can get gouged by the IRS Tax&Fine. Good luck getting anything back at all.

    I hope that’s clear as mud. I try to make it simple, but O’BolaCare and taxes being what they are. . . .

  4. FYI, you would need to file Form 8965 with your taxes if you get an exemption.

    BTW, it’s one month until the tax filing deadline when a lot of LOFO’s will be going:

    “Wait, I owe WHAT for not having insurance?”
    “Why didn’t anybody WARN me about this?”

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