Tim Kaine, The Interrupter – IOTW Report

Tim Kaine, The Interrupter

It’s official! Kaine interrupted Pence 72 times during the debate.

19 Comments on Tim Kaine, The Interrupter

  1. I would have gotten up and disconnect Kayne’s jaw. I cannot stand to listen to that son of a bitch.
    Kudos to Pence for keeping his cool. He must have been wise to the strategy.

  2. The only reason Kaine ever won an election is because Virginia is so full of voters dependent on other people’s money; gummit workers, blacks, welfare rats, lofos, non achievers, drop outs, illegals, slackers, deadbeats, and the naive. Left stream media and voter fraud always helped as well.

  3. Who WAS that moderator? Never heard of her and her lack of professionalism was appalling. I’ll bet she know joins Candy “I’m a pig” Crowley, as far as debates go,

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