Tim Walz Ban on Religious Teachers Set to Hit Schools in Just Months – IOTW Report

Tim Walz Ban on Religious Teachers Set to Hit Schools in Just Months

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

‘Faithful members of the world’s largest and oldest religions cannot in good conscience ‘affirm’ non-heterosexual sexual orientations and gender identities. Christians who do so publicly deny their faith.’

Gov. Tim Walz’s ban on faithful Christians from teaching in Minnesota’s public is set to hit the state’s schools in just months.

It also bans adherent Jews and Muslims.

And a report at the Federalist warns that he is “poised to make similar bigoted, totalitarian and unconstitutional policies” for the entire nation, “should he be elected vice president.”

The report from the publication’s executive editor, Joy Pullmann, explains the state has new teacher licensing rules that will take effect in July 2025, and they will “ban practicing Christians, Jews, and Muslims from teaching in public schools.” more

11 Comments on Tim Walz Ban on Religious Teachers Set to Hit Schools in Just Months

  1. This is, of course, terrible and unconstitutional.

    I was disappointed to find that there’s a very serious omission in Unruh’s article. Is this new requirement the result of gubernatorial executive order, or state agency changing regulations, or a statute passed by legislators? No hints. OK, it’s Walz…but HOW is it Walz?

  2. geoff the aardvark — Absolutely! Atheism — although completely shot down now for its failure to pass any rational test — does rise to the level of religious cult. Authors Norm Geisler and Frank Turek in their book, “I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist” writes quite clearly about why atheism is a cult.

    Walz is an idiot and a true believer in atheism.

  3. The shadow of Satanism that is hanging over, in fact, threatening America, is/has been much too obvious.

    I honestly don’t know if we can wait for the election results, or, if we should.

  4. My prediction – it will be overturned.
    It will be overturned because a devout Muslim will complain and they will be forced to allow her to teach, because Muslim beats alphabet soup and everything else (sometimes literally). And if they allow a Muslim they will have to allow Christians.

  5. Nope! they won’t bat an eye if a muzzle teacher is in their Indoctrination Centers preaching the qur’an rag ever day & assigning homework to pray to the moon god 5 times a day … in fact, they’ll promote the ‘diversity’

    … bank on it


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