‘Tim Walz Reenlisted After 9/11’ Is The Latest Lie About His Military Record – IOTW Report

‘Tim Walz Reenlisted After 9/11’ Is The Latest Lie About His Military Record

Just like claims that he served in war, or retired as a command sergeant major, the story Walz tells about reenlisting is not true.

6 Comments on ‘Tim Walz Reenlisted After 9/11’ Is The Latest Lie About His Military Record

  1. Neither is a hero and john effin kerry is still a traitor in my book for participating in the Paris Vietnam peace accords while he was still an inactive Naval reserve officer. Will hell have to freeze over before we ever see kerry’s DD-214. I despise both of them, they’re both cowards and chickenshits.

  2. Tim Walz is the perfect example of a typical democrat politician. A pathological liar who casts himself as a “heroic” and selfless leader to impress stupid people that don’t bother to verify his exaggerated claims.

    – He didn’t serve in combat in Afghanistan even though he dishonestly implies that he did, and he never carried a weapon in any war as he falsely claims

    – He deliberately gave the false impression that he was the head football coach of a state championship team when he was merely an assistant coach

    – He lied about his DUI falsely claiming he wasn’t drinking alcohol at all when court records showed his blood alcohol level as more than 0.12 which is drunk in any jurisdiction

    – He even lied about how his own children were conceived, falsely claiming that they resulted from IVF treatments when they were actually conceived through IUI which is basically using a device similar to a turkey baster to get the sperm closer to the eggs (which is a far cry from IVF which involves electron microscopes, fertility drugs and freezing embryos among other medical technology and a price tag of around $12k+ for each attempt as of 20 some odd years ago if insurance didn’t cover it). Anyone that has gone through IVF wouldn’t confuse it with IUI which is just more evidence he is a pathological liar.

    So now he’s even lying about reenlisting in the National Guard after 9/11 supposedly out of a sense of duty to America even though he claims he could have retired (a lie on top of a lie). I strongly suspect that the multitude of lies told by this self-important buffoon uncovered thus far are only scratching the surface of the totality of lies told by this pathetic, lying arsehole in his lifetime. People that lie like this didn’t just start once they became an adult – they’ve done it their entire lives.

    He perfectly encapsulates today’s entire democrat party in that every thing out of his mouth is a lie, intended to deceive other people in an effort to enhance / produce a position of power for his own benefit. Sadly it is impossible to shame someone into admitting to their lies when they have no capacity for shame as Walz (and democrats in general) obviously display. Even when proven to be lying, they just double down on the deception.


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