Time Blows By- It’s the 21st Anniversary of President El BJ’s Speech – IOTW Report

Time Blows By- It’s the 21st Anniversary of President El BJ’s Speech

Listen to how easily and forcefully the Clintons can lie.

Post title- The Big Owe

20 Comments on Time Blows By- It’s the 21st Anniversary of President El BJ’s Speech

  1. 21 years?!?
    I really feel like those years were just sucked up and spit out.
    Has it been hard-on Slick Willy?? Oops, bad choice of words.
    I’ve always been told; what cums around, goes around.

  2. El BJ (love that!) was at his slimiest bottom-feeding worst, descending into legalistic sophistry. What he said was “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” I’m told by a lawyer friend that the term has the specific legal definition of coitus; penis penetrating vagina.

    Out here in the real world, getting blown is morally the same thing as getting boinked, of course.

  3. @Benito – How would you like to be remembered for being crooked Hillary’s husband?
    Memories might be all that he has left. One of the women he assaulted mentioned how he had a small dick. I wonder if he remembers that.

    To his credit, thanks to Newt Gingrich, he was a much better president than Obama,


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