Time Proves Anti-Fracking “Documentary” to be Fake Warmist Propaganda – IOTW Report

Time Proves Anti-Fracking “Documentary” to be Fake Warmist Propaganda

Just the News

Nearly 14 years after “Gasland” was released, numerous studies have contradicted its claims about fracking, and its dire predictions didn’t come to pass. More

6 Comments on Time Proves Anti-Fracking “Documentary” to be Fake Warmist Propaganda

  1. Southern Illinois is sitting on the New Albany shale formation containing oil and natural gas. Of course, idiot Chicago Democrats imposed anti-fracking rules on the entire state, costing us untold wealth and jobs. I hate Chicago. It’s filled with gormless poltroons who believe they’re smart.

  2. If Biden had his marbles, which everyone knows he doesn’t, I’d accuse him of being blinded by the truth because of too many unaccompanied global warming Goregasms.


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