Time To Strip the Deep State of Its Civil Service Protections – IOTW Report

Time To Strip the Deep State of Its Civil Service Protections

Robert Spencer for PJ Media

Historians take for granted that civil service reform was good for the country, and there has been no significant indication that it wasn’t until quite recently, when a president was thwarted in numerous endeavors by an army of unelected bureaucrats within the various departments and agencies of the government, who were determined to impede his agenda in every way possible.

The proponents of civil service reform never envisioned a situation in which unelected and unaccountable opponents of a sitting president in the FBI, the Justice Department, and elsewhere would be determined to destroy the president — or at the very least make it impossible for him to carry out his policies — and could not be removed from their jobs because of civil service regulations. More

17 Comments on Time To Strip the Deep State of Its Civil Service Protections

  1. Political influence (patronage) is used to fill numerous “protected” non-policy and policy positions in every agency.
    The unelected policy positions have refused to implement Presidential Executive Orders and in some cases law. They have also thwarted (ignored) Judicial rulings and FOIA requests.
    Mass review of these positions, most should be eliminated.

  2. “The proponents of civil service reform never envisioned a situation in which un-elected and unaccountable opponents of a sitting president in the FBI…….

    BULLSHIT!!!! That was the intention all along. To disconnect the “governed” from the “government”, so that the incompetent and morally deficient could rise to the top in a system that is protected from REAL WORLD consequences. A place where failure is not punished but rewarded.

  3. Should have been done 32 years ago! Still; better late than never!



    TheBush Republicans are deep state; and their friends in Congress have fought hard to defend them. Namin just a few names: Lisa m.; R. Blunt, Mitch aka “turtle”, Mitt….

  4. The proponents of civil service reform never envisioned a situation in which unelected and unaccountable opponents of a sitting president in the FBI, the Justice Department, and elsewhere would be determined to destroy the president — or at the very least make it impossible for him to carry out his policies — and could not be removed from their jobs because of civil service regulations.

    Really? “Historians” believe that dummies have been writing the rules for that long? Not “Special History Historians”. But en-titled “historians”. Believe that?

    Does anybody else believe that? Has anybody, else, ever believed that? (Who didn’t get their title riding the short bus to university, of course.)

  5. @an ol exJarhead March 14, 2022 at 8:14 pm

    > But
    > HOw?

    Mind you I don’t know whether you’ve really considered the advantages of a really modern Khmer Rouge. You know, they can really do you wonders.

  6. Democrats have had a free hand in making deep personnel changes with each Democrat administration. When Bubba was inaugurated, his minions had a list of undesirables, or people simply in the way, to the local level, which they immediately began purging and replacing with their own activist ideologues. That process continues during Republican administrations, though at a slower pace. It is not so noticeable now, as most of the changes have already been made.

    The spoils system worked, more or less, as long the changes remained no deeper than the top three or four layers. When the core “productivity” workers became partisan and activist things began to go downhill fast.
    JFK’s EO 10988 (1962) that allowed federal employees collective bargaining rights was the beginning of the end.

    There are far too many government workers and contractors to maintain a viable economy and society. I doubt there is political will to cut them loose. They are an important voting block now — too many rent seekers in general.

  7. Civil service jobs were designed to be low paying jobs for low IQ people to do low IQ work.

    Now, they’re political patronage jobs, paying WAY more than the private sector, and full of corrupt people doing the bidding of corrupt politicians.

  8. All the New Dealers who came in during the Depression and stayed to cheer Nixon’s resignation were the beginnings of the Deep State. If you remember the term, double dipper, you know what I mean.

    This is nothing new. This is the bureaucracy where reformers were kept from fixing the Lefty mess.

    Nice to see somebody gets it and, of course, that somebody is Trump, although, just like Congress and the Federal bench, I also think term limits asre needed.

  9. “Double dipper” my ass.
    I worked (kitchen work and on a brick-crew) before I went into government (as a plumber) and while I was in government (teaching, plumbing, &c.) and am denied what I paid into socialist security because Jimminy Fuckin Carter declared me a “double dipper.”
    The socialist security promises made to my Dad (when he enlisted in WWII) were also negated by that POS Jimminy Fuckin Carter.

    Lying fucking maggots – both sides of the aisle – all the time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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