Time’s Person of the Year – IOTW Report

Time’s Person of the Year

CBS News

Taylor Swift has been named 2023 Person of the Year by TIME magazine, beating out a host of finalists who over the last 12 months dominated politics, entertainment and more. 

“This is the proudest and happiest I’ve ever felt, and the most creatively fulfilled and free I’ve ever been,” Swift told TIME. “Ultimately, we can convolute it all we want, or try to overcomplicate it, but there’s only one question … Are you not entertained?” More

According to some online, Swift is so influential she could bring peace between Hama and Israel with a single social media post. Here

35 Comments on Time’s Person of the Year

  1. ….And Deion Sanders was named sportsperson of the year by SI after leading the Colorado Buffs to a 4 and 8 season with 7 consecutive losses….No bowl games and many confirmed recruits resending their commitment…

  2. Taylor Swift represents the perfect, controllable woman. Joe Biden supporter? Check. “Feminist”? Check. Mask-wearer? Check. Like her young adult female fans, Swift is easily influenced by the left. She blamed Donald Trump for the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots (not the Democrats who put their Covid tyranny on hold just long enough to egg on terrorism and arson in American cities). She also accused Trump of trying to “destroy our right to vote” because the former president opposed the U.S. Post Office facilitating non-secure mass mail-in voting.

  3. When the same publisher that selects what “news” we need to know is also the publisher that selects the most “newsworthy” person of the year, then it isn’t at all surprising that we all regard the award as irrelevant, insulting, silly, and emblematic of the twisted Time (!) we live in.

    Taylor Swift? Really? How about Matt Gaetz if you simply can’t force yourselves to select the only choice: President Donald Trump>

  4. Matt Loser Gaetz, Ex-President who? More like I’m trigger that it’s not a MAGA they are so popular cause they got talkin shat down pat. We are so proud here at MAGA & we want to bring each & every American down to our low level of trash talkin. We all need moe power to throwing shade.

  5. Taylor’s not that Swift, which makes her the perfect leftist tool. Taylor is a prop symbolizing a nihilistic, Borg-minded collective generation of sycophants who contribute nothing of importance to this country and world.
    Time Magazine, a progressive elitist rag, has a long history of spotlighting superficial narcissistic dimwits like Taylor Swift. No surprise she’s conveniently defined as their “Woman of the Year”.

  6. It’s the epitome of lazy journalism; raved followers who will rush to buy up every copy (check) no need to do anymore research than her Wikipedia entry (check) certified leftist (check).

    To investigate someone of real global importance, say the money man behind Islamic terrorism or who runs the most powerful cartel in Mexico or who’s working the various strategies to knock Donald Trump out of the race. All of those stories would require actual journalism not to mention the implosion of the left’s self delusions and therefore will never happen.

  7. Can’t say I’ve ever heard a song by Swift – or if I did it was completely un-memorable.
    And I don’t read “Time” magazine.

    Must be a lot of people with nothing to do.
    Oh, well …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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