Tiny Heartbeats Thunder at Walk for Life West Coast – IOTW Report

Tiny Heartbeats Thunder at Walk for Life West Coast

California Catholic Daily – In what will go down as the most memorable moment in the history of the Walk for Life West Coast, seven pregnant women and their unborn children ascended the stage, put microphones to their bellies, and filled San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza with sounds of tiny heartbeats.

The heartbeats were a repudiation of the Culture of Death, exemplified by the state of New York’s legalization of the murder of such children up to the moment of birth.

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FYI: Estimates say 50,000+ people were in attendance at that Walk for Life. Pretty damn good pro-life turnout for SF!!!

13 Comments on Tiny Heartbeats Thunder at Walk for Life West Coast

  1. It “wobbles the mind” (Kelly Bundy) that we would have to display pregnant Moms sharing their baby’s heartbeats to make this point. Heartbreaking what we have come to.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. “In the womb, no one can hear you scream.”

    God can. And does. And will have justice for each one even as he welcomes His tormented child home.

    Sorry, I get what you’re going for, but it’s not a laughing matter.

  3. I was arguing with a Libertarian who of course like their Democrat counterparts are all for abortion and he was cursing Republicans for trying to humiliate women and make them jump through hoops to get an abortion by forcing them to see an ultrasound or listen to a heartbeat. I think I will ask him if these women look humiliated or are jumping through hoops to carry their babies to term.

  4. That was so beautiful. And to think, the mom in the middle, Abby Johnson, was just a few years ago a Planned Parenthood clinic director! When she saw with her own eyes the humanity in those tiny bodies, she left her career. Pictures and heartbeats do change hearts and minds.

  5. The Left’s war on the most vulnerable among us (a phrase they exploit to great effect) has reached Holocaust proportions.

    There is too much to write about this situation: the fallen nature of mankind, what kind of life would await many of these children if they had been born into the world, the basic sociopathy of women who can kill a living being whom they have felt growing inside them for so long.

    Not that long ago the majority of us were horrified at crimes against children or their murder — especially their murder. Now I understand why, when there is a school shooting, for example, the Left focuses on gun control instead of the loss of young lives. They don’t care about children being murdered, only that it furthers their freedom-reducing plans. The Left has shown that it lacks even the most basic humanity. They must go. There is no room in a civilized society for them.

  6. @Crackerbaby February 1, 2019 at 9:04 am

    > that we would have to display pregnant Moms sharing their baby’s heartbeats to make this point

    And that point won’t be made. Because they already know. They just like killing babies. You can’t change that.


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