Titanic Assumptions – IOTW Report

Titanic Assumptions

9 Comments on Titanic Assumptions

  1. I would have packed a dress and shoes and a wig and maybe a pillow to show I was pregnant.
    Ship sinking
    Me using falsetto voice
    “Excuse me pregnant woman have to get to a life boat”
    Repeat over and over till on life boat.

  2. On modern cruise ships, the life boats probably aren’t much help seeing as how they were made in China by communist peasants who think anybody buying a cruise is an enemy of the workers who deserves to drown in shark-infested waters after an hour or so of underwear-fouling stark terror.

    So, go ahead and let the gender dysphoric and other deviants on first!

  3. I used to have a procurement job where we had to give preference to women-owned and to minority-owned companies. How do such obligations play out now that there is no gender, or there are forty genders?

  4. I just wish you right wing, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, Christian misanthropes would suck my silicone constructed substitute for the tallywacker I deserve to have. My rubber rooster my plastic banana.
    Respect me or else.

  5. Winston Churchill on the Italian cruise ships

    I prefer Italian cruise ships because the cuisine is unsurpassed, the service is superb and, in case of emergency, there’s none of this “women and children first” nonsense.

  6. A Chinese man and his Jewish friend were walking along one day when the Jewish man turned and slugged the Chinese man and knocked him down.

    “What was that for?” the Chinese man asked.

    “That was for Pearl Harbor!” the Jewish man said.

    “Pearl Harbor? That was the Japanese! I’m Chinese.”

    “Chinese, Japanese, you’re all the same!”

    “Oh! I see.”

    They continued walking and after a while the Chinese man turned and knocked the Jewish man to the ground.

    “What was that for?” the Jewish man asked.

    “That was for the Titanic!”

    “The Titanic? That was sunk by an iceberg!”

    “Iceberg, Goldberg, you’re all the same.”


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