Titanic Gawkers All Dead – IOTW Report

Titanic Gawkers All Dead

USA Today-

The debris found Thursday near the Titanic wreckage site is from the outside of the submersible that has been missing for four days, the Coast Guard said in a news briefing, making it clear the five people on board have perished.

“The debris is consistent with the catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber,” said Rear Adm. John Mauger, commander of the First Coast Guard District. He said the debris was found at the bottom of the sea floor and the families of the victims have been notified.

OceanGate, the company that operates the missing vessel – and whose CEO, Stockton Rush, was on the trip – issued a statement saying, “We grieve the loss of life’’ of those aboard.

Search and rescue crews remotely operating an underwater vehicle discovered a “debris field” near the Titanic while looking for the submersible, the U.S. Coast Guard said earlier Thursday, the day the small vessel was expected to run out of oxygen.

“A debris field was discovered within the search area by an ROV near the Titanic. Experts within the unified command are evaluating the information,” the Coast Guard wrote on Twitter.


103 Comments on Titanic Gawkers All Dead

  1. Detailing what was found in the debris field which led to the conclusion that the vessel suffered a catastrophic implosion, the parts that were found were identified as:

    • Nose cone

    • front end bell of pressure hull

    • aft end bell of pressure hull

  2. Water gate
    Russia gate
    Spy gate
    Gamer gate
    Grope gate (governor Arnold )
    Nipple gate (NFL)
    Slap Gate (Will Smith)



    If only there was some type of CLUE….

  3. Wonder if they used new bolts each time they secured the hatch. From my days of working on motors we always used new bolts on big money engine builds because the old bolts can be stretched from previous use. Won’t torque properly.

  4. …but are we sure those billionares actually were on board? I mean, that would be a GREAT way to fake your death, seeing as how no one can do DNA tests on blobs of jelly two and a half miles down…

  5. “and this: Titanium is prone to work hardening”

    I’d be more worried about the quality of fasteners he was using. And if the cheap bastard re used them. That would be all bad. The nuts and the bolts should have been NDTd. 100%. Honestly I’ve machine enough 6AL-4V to make another Titanic out of. Never had it work harden on me.

  6. Hubris killed them. Stupidity of buying into the CEO safety records.

    @Brad. I agree with you on the titanium. Machined tons of the stuff. It’s the bolts and/or acrylic window with a hairline scratch.

  7. “Wouldn’t surprise me if that were the mechanism of failure.”
    It could be. If that hatch failed the hulls still going to come apart at the weakest spot. And that would be the center of that hull. I’ll bet this guy was ordering fasteners from McMaster Carr. I’m thinking those fasteners are real potential problem. If this operation was legit, every part, every process, every step really, should be documented and certified. You should be able to re create exactly what they did, and where any component part came from, before that thing got wet.

  8. Danger Will Robinson

    Good point on the big ass chunk of plexiglass. LOL I haven’t taken the time to see how much pressure they were dealing with but it had to be huge.

  9. @ Brad AT 4:33 PM

    I’ve been through the Renton Boeing Plant quite a few times. Each and every part on a Boeing airplane is serial numbered to that airframe. Right down to the bolts. When a train derailed and fuselages went into the Clark Fork a few years ago they had a hell of a mess. Parts for those planes had already showed up in Renton and they had to make room for other airframes.

  10. Burrlock Holmes
    AT 4:52 PM
    “Odd. no sonar buoys registered the sound of the implosion.”

    …If a carbon fiber garbage can implodes and no sonobuoy hears it, are the occupants really compressed into frozen kibble?

  11. My understanding is that they did no destructive testing… relied on calculations only.
    Among many other things, I’d a tested that fucker with five crash test dummies until it crunched to bits and noted the depth (hopefully a lot lower than the Titanic). Then I would have sent a replacement down to 90% of that depth to test repeatability of design and assembly along with repeatability of stress testing the hull with numerous compression and release cycles. If that goes OK then certify it for 1/3rd of the dunk tests at Titanic depths before having to repeat stress testing.
    A wise man once said: “A man’s gotta know his limitations”… but hey, I’m just a 70 year old White guy!

    I’m not getting into something that the owner sez “Do you feel lucky punk?”

  12. Was it worth the implosion? Did they get to see the Titanic and say a prayer for the deceased on the Titanic? Maybe their bones cried out ‘COME JOIN US!” The 19 yo is the one that I was most concerned about. If any of them imploded on the way down, it would have3 been the 19 yo lamenting that his cell phone doesn’t work. $250,000 for a casket that they’re sharing. Their billions are meaningless. The world saw firsthand how billionaires are arrogant.

  13. re: the bolts- a long time ago, a friend of mine, Roger Redbeard, told me “never torque a dry bolt.” Don’t know if that is right or wrong today, but I follow it.

  14. There is an irony in the fact that a commercial enterprise would end lose lives of the rich who were there for no reason other than to view the wreckage of a previous commercial enterprise that also lost the lives of the rich.

  15. Ha ha, charade you are, teacher.

    I’m not getting in that thing. You’re an uninspirational 50 year old White guy.

    My garbage can was manufactured in Korea and my duct tape comes from India.

    Also, my 250K experience includes a short, vertical airflight before becoming a rapid shooting submarine.

  16. DailyTimeWaster has a long form presentation by a veteran submariner engineer who goes into immense detail of the Titan and its points of weakness, from the lack of skilled submariners employed by the company to the lack of testing for the depth at which the vessel failed.

  17. …I find it very saddening that everyone perished. No one should have been on that vessel at untested depths. The CEO is quoted as having gained a great deal of knowledge from the aerospace industry, but he ignored the terrible launch pad horror of Apollo 204 in which the astronauts had been bolted inside the capsule, unable to make their way out of the smoke-filled death trap. They would have made it, too, if they could have unbolted the thing more quickly, or if there had been an emergency evacuation method.

    In the video I referenced above, the presenter describes the carbon tube that makes up the main part of the submarine and how it shatters like glass when it fails.

  18. I went to a Titanic exhibit where they actually had a part of the outer hull complete with porthole that they had raised and preserved, and I was able to see the iron up close and look through a porthole that once had a Titanic passenger behind it.

    On dry land.

    In an exhibit hall.

    For around 14 bucks.

    And got a MUCH better show with that and other artifacts than these foolish rich folks possibly could have even if nothing went wrong, with no risk other than from the sketchy neighborhood next to the museum parking lot.

    (it wasn’t here, it was somehow on tour years ago, but it was this piece)


    …no crushing frozen depths required.

    And I didn’t have to pee in a Ziploc bag on my last day on Earth either…

  19. Burrbottom jeans
    AT 6:25 PM
    “If it doesn’t have the classic Atari joystick and single red button I’m not driving it.”

    …but I’m working on an advanced version that incorporates both the gun from Duck Hunt and an autopilot based around Nintendo’s R.O.B. robot.


    Still not interested?

  20. Burrs Vern
    AT 6:41 PM
    “Hang on, researching carbon fiber balloon excursion to the sun.”

    …wrong direction. How about Home Depot bucket excursions to Hell?

    …might see some old friends…

  21. I had a few minutes to do a little research. The Titanic is parked 12,500 feet below sea level. At 12,500 feet below sea level you are exposed to 5,546.98 PSI. That’s like 20 Lizzo’s stacked on top of one another concentrating all their weight on 1 square inch. I’m thinking with that much pressure that hatch needed some sort of interlock system on it. Bolting it on with 17 1/2 13 stainless bolts ain’t gonna cut it.

  22. From now on, even 2000 years from now, people will be reading, or listening, or somehow virtualizing the Titanic disaster, and the Titan catastrophe will be tacked on as a side story.

    The last 4 days have been high drama with a very sad ending.

  23. A Godless group of billionaires shake fists at God, ignore every possible warning/intervention made by God’s grace and mercy.
    Arrogantly getting into a small, cramped fiberglass cannister navigated by a cheap video game controller, then diving to deep ocean depths without testing or emergency backup is absolute foolishness. It should not invoke any sympathy. They orchestrated their own deaths.

    These people knew full well the risks. Taking charge in blind faith of their own mortality and destiny is on them. That’s why God let them suffer the consequences. A fool says on his heart- “There is no God” (Psalm 14:1). Oceangate – proof fools gets what they deserve. They were warned.

  24. Jack Posobiec tweeted this out – WTF



    The WSJ is reporting the US Navy detected the Titan implosion on Sunday but Biden held the news until today’s whistleblower testimony on Hunter

    The entire thing was a distraction op

  25. BURR,


    For the love of God, stop posting on this one.

    I smacked My Ribs BADLY, riding my Mountain Bike Sunday, and your making me laugh too much. It Hurts Like Hell!


    Note: Aluminum Frame, NOT Carbon. (I don’t trust that shit!)

  26. If they eventually recovered my body, they would find the flesh of who ever was controlling that Milk Jug under my finger nails & in my stomach!

    Plus, I would have brought a Spyderco down there to Filet him/zir/they/them.

  27. In 1913 the federal Reserve was created. 3 men on that sunken ship were against the Federal Reserve.

    111 years later 5 men perish looking for the Titanic.

    Could this event be the harbinger of the END of the Feral Reserve? Maybe those 5 people were meant NOT to see something indicated on that ship? I want a more in-depth detail on the 5 people that “perished” on that diving bell.

    Iceberg my ass. This was a great distraction during the Hunter Biden bullshit.

  28. Funny Thing…I couldn’t get to sleep last night from feeling pretty bad about those people in the submersible.

    Like lots of folks, I prayed for them. I guess God doesn’t want to bail us out of every dumb thing we do. The Titanic wreck was a teachable moment, and so is the Titan.

  29. 99th Squad Leader

    A great post. Again. Ya know I think I’m a mans man. Classic maybe 60’s John Wayne type mixed with a little Evel Knievel. But I’m not stupid. We use to vacation with two other couples. Wifes friends. I liked the women. Their choice in males was substandard. One time were down in CABO spending some time on a hotel balcony 8 stories in the air and my wife leaned against the wrought iron rail separating her from the ground. I told her in no uncertain terms, your in Fing Mexico, get your ass off that railing and come sit over here. Caught shit from two 160 pound under nourished morons for 1 day. Yea team. Because the next day that railing gave way and two fat tourists came to a sudden stop at the end of a long drop. Which is what killed them. Even tough guys gotta use their heads, occasionally.

  30. I’m going to school ya all on the take away here. This is what passes for engineering these days and every week there are five people who are victimized by the same mentality that caused this tragedy. Killed on roadways “engineered” and “maintained” by incompetents who lacked the education or experience or both to even recognize fatal flaws in the design and moved along by the same or in many cases people who should and do know better, but sign off for political reasons.

    There is an absolute epidemic of moving unqualified individuals through engineering programs in school, hiring and promoting them based on their race, sexual proclivities, gender and promoting such government objectives as “fighting global warming” etc.

  31. Hey, Brad. Thanks! Just speaking the truth. Good men take care of their families and themselves by making wise choices like you have done. Good men seek to live as long as possible to leave not only a legacy of prosperity, but a rich heritage of good decisions to sustain future generations.
    Nobody is perfect, but if men make foolish, reckless choices they not only destroy themselves, they put their families on a destructive path for generations.
    Praying the reckoning for these billionaires families doesn’t manifest, but it will be inevitable if they don’t know God and follow in the footsteps of their doomed narcissist patriarchs.

  32. Might as well weigh in.
    I hear talk about a game controller as an input device.
    So what, it’s a device that has been tested by millions of gamers that has proven, repeatable in the billions of cycles, analog and digital connections.
    That is such a non-issue and it shows how the media focuses on total bullshit.

    Their demise was carbon-fiber bullshit.
    Two dudes went three times deeper to the Mariana’s Trench in the fifties.
    Shit was legit steel and dared the ocean to put up or shut up.


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