To my Liberal college: Thank you for turning me into a Conservative – IOTW Report

To my Liberal college: Thank you for turning me into a Conservative


“I think government taking care of those without health insurance is noble. I think Wall Street is greedy. I think we need a higher minimum wage. I don’t think the rich pay their fair share. I think that just because there is Freedom of Speech, that doesn’t give someone a license to be hateful. I think Barack Obama will be a great, first African-American president.”

That was my liberal self until my freshman year of college. If the stereotypes are true, college should have turned me into more of a left-winger and a social justice warrior.

It didn’t.

By the end of my freshman year at George Washington University, I took an introductory comparative politics class where when asked if the middle class is needed for a democracy to survive, I replied that the Bill of Rights is more important than socioeconomic classes. Moreover, disgusted with the Left’s penchant for anti-Israel sentiment, I officially paid dues and joined GW College Republicans, where I learned the tenets of the GOP: free market capitalism, deregulation, fiscal responsibility, and a strong national defense.
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11 Comments on To my Liberal college: Thank you for turning me into a Conservative

  1. When I was young I believed a lot of those same things except the obama crap. I also believed in ecology and caring for nature. Later when I got into the stock market I was appalled at the amount of lying by CEO’s saying how great their company was while selling the stock behind the scenes. Then avoiding taxes.
    What has been lost is balance, logic and common sense. Now it’s giving rights and benefits to non-citizens. Having to get the gov’t permission to cut down a tree on your own property even if it’s dying. Demanding a minimum wage completely inappropriate for the labor involved.
    Reason is dead and if Trump can’t bring it back nobody can.

  2. Those liberal arts college degrees will become ever more worthless as industry realizes that the great liberal takeover of the universities has created whole generations incapable of critical thought.

  3. I knew I was a conservative in high school, although I couldn’t put my finger on it at that time. It was during the height of the tree hugger movement in (1991). The school decided to fell a tree that was starting to interfere with communication wires, (it was a maple tree that the school planted years ago). A bunch of these pony-tailed, GORP eating, idiots decided to protest and surround the tree so it couldn’t be removed. I decided right then and there that I didn’t like leftist ideology. It’s very illogical.

  4. Do you want Trigglypuff dictating how you live your life or making important decisions with widespread ramifications? No? ‘Nuff said.

  5. When I first voted, at 19,I didn’t think along lines of conservative/liberal. I thought common sense, patriotism and hatred of Communism was a given amongst free people. Duh, I thought.

    I was stunned to see the Communist Party was running a candidate on my first ballot in Wisconsin. ‘WTF!’, I said out loud in the booth.

    I was naive in many ways, but the biggest in front of me at that time was the shit that I found out later that Hillary was behind – Watergate and 18 minutes of erased tape.

    Honesty is a big thing to me, so I was bamboozled into believing: “F__kin’ Repubs are dishonest! I’m voting for Jimmy Cater! After all, he’s a business man and we need that for America!”

    Those 4 years taught me a lot. I wasn’t going to vote for Jimmy again in `80, but I still hadn’t wised up to the game the Dems really played. I just thought it was Jimmy that was a stupid apple – not bad, just stupid.

    I did not vote for Reagan in `80 – “F__kin’ Ford protected Nixon! What a crock! F__k the Repubs” Still naive.

    Then Reagan governed. Everything I knew was right, happened with him. I realized I was conservative during his terms.

    During the following years I saw time after time the Dems were dishonest and didn’t hold there own people accountable and lied, lied, lied all the time. It was like a party of 5 year olds denying they ate the chocolate cake with it smeared all over their faces.

    Then they kicked it up a notch or two every few years to where they became no different than the Communist Party USA. Notice they didn’t need to run a candidate this time around. Hillary was their gal. She was running on a Communist platform.

    My wife always voted Dem until recently. She is always “What’s in it for me? Gimme gimme gimme.” It was frustrating and when she didn’t vote, I was glad. It took her getting the SJW treatment while she was teaching at a Community college to see the light. SJW’s turned her into the biggest Trump fan ever. She got the treatment for having one black man in one photo in her lessons.

    Weird how life works out sometimes.

    We can see this turning happening every day since OBammy got elected. More and more Millenials are seeing the light. There really was a silver lining in this way. Now, we just need to knock the Antifa and far left commies off now. They really are a threat to existence.

  6. My parents were conservative Republicans and I was too. My world history professor was a bleeding heart liberal but I managed to get through his class biting my tongue and thankfully got my diploma without being influenced by liberals except to wonder why they believed what they did.

  7. The right wing social construct that is both damaging and problematic for society and future generations
    The conceptual conservative idiology presents significant problems for gender identity and reproductive identity within social and family dynamics, is exclusionary to disenfranchised communities based upon gender or reproductive identity, is an enduring source of abuse for women and other gender-marginalized groups and individuals, is the universal performative source of rape, and is the conceptual driver behind much of climate change.

  8. I gradiated from a high school that still allowed
    guns in the gun racks of the back windows of trucks,
    gave time off during harvest season, and generally was
    very conservative.
    So, I grew up with a different slant on things.

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