To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate, That Is The Question- Dr. David Dinkweaver – IOTW Report

To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate, That Is The Question- Dr. David Dinkweaver

Dr. David Dinkweaver

So the debate about vaccines rages on. If you spend any time on social media, you will undoubtedly encounter some of these extremely intelligent dialogues that always consider science, freedom and most importantly, common sense. It’s great to see such incredible discussion that supports constitutional rights and never tries to impose undue burden on others. Why the heck would anyone in their right mind be skeptical of the vaccine, or betteryet, be skeptical of anything the government tells us.

Below is an example of one of those debates. Pay particular attention to Dandy Don’s response at the end. He’s one person I’d love to share a beer (preferably a Black & Tan), shot of whiskey or blueberry cobbler coffee with.

(Note: Typos and grammatical errors are preserved for effect. Names have been changed to protect the imbeciles.)

Raven Smith
Jackie Ramis wow. We are this far into this pandemic and I feel like even those who lack basic understanding of science would at very least understand that these vaccines are like a seat belt.
The entire point is to minimize hospitalization, long term effects and death. How embarrassing for you.

Danny Black
Raven Smith but almost everybody without underline conditions don’t deal with any of that

Susan Mackey
Raven Smith you could talk to you’re blue in the face. Those people have no understanding of science or common decency.

Cecilia Linto
Raven Smith they don’t want to understand because they have another agenda.

Dandy Don
Raven Smith The problem is one of credibility, Raven. All along we were told that if you get your 2 shots, booster, mask up (even with a flimsy bandana), maintain 6′ distance from the next person, and quarantine for 10 days if you’ve contracted, or, been exposed to COVID, the virus will die off and humanity will be saved. After witnessing more deaths than ever, businesses ruined, jobs lost, jails emptied, rampant crime, schools shut down and society harmed in more ways than can be calculated, it’s still with us after Biden told us he had a plan to stop COVID.

Turns out that Biden’s “plan” (if it was more than an empty campaign promise) was at best

ineffective, at worst, a lie. Do you see why the populace remains skeptical?


Dr. Dinkweaver’s final thought: Wouldn’t the most prudent recommendation from the government be something like … “We strongly recommend you get vaccinated to protect yourself from the possibility severe illness, hospitalization or even death. However, each individual should consult with his/her doctor and ultimately make the decision that is best for them” ?

Now that would be common sense.

Dinkweaver archives

21 Comments on To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate, That Is The Question- Dr. David Dinkweaver

  1. We’ve gone from these vaccines offer 95% protection (relative risk absolute risk was .84%) to these vaccines offer no protection so get a booster. Oh the booster won’t last long either. And now Fauci says everyone is going to get covid regardless of vax status. Meanwhile there are all kinds of nasty side effects to the jabs along with unknown long term consequences. If you want a ‘seat belt’ boost your own immune system. The CDC admits 78% hospitalized are overweight or obese. Logic would suggest your best bet is being a healthy person. But this isn’t about health, this is about them controlling you and making you do what they say.

  2. Everyone here knows I was an early covid case and I had it very bad.
    I thought I was going to die.
    Seriously, I stayed awake nights afraid to fall asleep thinking I wouldn’t waken.

    That said, I still cannot say that in hindsight I would have taken the “vax?”
    Granted, it would be very different if it had been developed years earlier and proven effective.
    As it stands, my spider-sense say’s “hell no!”

    Thing is, I have never recommended the jab or not to jab, only told what I went through and left that decision to the individual.

    Ultimately that is the ideal answer.
    Individual liberty.
    After witnessing the last two years our founders are turning in their graves.

  3. It is interesting how so many people have changed their understanding of what we were promised. Far too many claim that, from Day One, the vaccine was only supposed to minimize Covid, and was never supposed to stop the spread or end the pandemic. But anyone with a memory longer then Joe Biden on a good day knows this isn’t true.

  4. LocoBlancoSaltine
    JANUARY 14, 2022 AT 2:00 PM

    “Seriously, I stayed awake nights afraid to fall asleep thinking I wouldn’t waken.”

    It could still happen, to all of us at any time.

    And not just from COVID.

    You’re not guaranteed five minutes from now, let alone waking up in a few hours.

    That’s just the nature of the human body.

    We all risk death all the time.

    That’s why I can’t personally get too hung up on how and when I’m going to die, whether I feel the Reaper watching me or not.

    Because I’ve seen enough dead people in the wild to know its more common to NOT hear his footsteps.

    And it’s not like I’m going to get out alive anyway.

    You’ll die when God pulls your number, no sooner, no later.

    Might as well be rested when you do…

  5. They call us antivaxxers but I’m not against anybody that wants the vaccine getting the jab. In fact, I urge anybody that thinks the vaccine will help them to get jabbed as many times as needed.

    If the vaccine actually works, which it doesn’t seem too hence the need for constant boosters, then unvaxxed me is no threat to them. If the vaxxxed are a threat to the unvaxxed, which increasingly seems may be the case, I don’t consider it near as dangerous as stupid people’s blind faith in the MSM, the government and big pharma.

  6. First, these drugs were touted as a vaccine; vaccines are typically treatments that prevent, or lessen the chances of someone contracting the disease the vaccine was designed to prevent. Then (and despite continually pretending that these drugs were vaccines), vaccines were necessarily required of everyone else so that the unvaccinated did not infect the vaccinated – which made no sense if the vaccines were truly vaccines. Now, the vaccines don’t prevent anything, but maybe lessen the chances of hospitalization and/or death.

    So now the jabs are not vaccines to prevent Covid, but preemptive treatments for when the individual contracts Covid. So why mandate preemptive treatments – why not let people choose whether or not they want these preemptive treatments? And why don’t we junk the whole “vaccine” thing and concentrate on curing people who have or will contract Covid?

    Early on, I was against nationalized medicine for this very reason – I don’t trust the government to really know what it’s doing. This is a a multi-trillion dollar example of why I am correct in this thinking.

  7. My brother has been dealing with the effects of the Miller-Fisher variant of Guillain-Barre syndrome since a couple of weeks after taking a flu shot in the Fall of 2004. Last year, his doctor convinced him to take the Pfizer RONA “vaccine.” Nowadayz, brother dearest falls down a lot.

    Just an anecdote.

  8. SNS I sincerely hope you never experience what I did during those December nights.
    I don’t irrationally fear death.
    My fear was totally rational.
    Once you pass 50 years on earth, you tend to have been through it all.
    I have had pneumonia, walking pneumonia, the flu, appendicitis, etc.
    This was different, FAR different.
    I couldn’t breath.
    I couldn’t get oxygen.
    The burning in my lungs, chest and back was unbearable.
    I felt sharp pains in my heart.
    I couldn’t climb steps.
    I had run a half marathon two weeks prior to contracting covid.
    Yet here I was thinking I would never be able to run again.

    I went to Immediate Care, the ER twice and saw two additional doctors that couldn’t find what was wrong with me.
    I had no real co-morbidities or I might not have made it.
    The next month covid hit the news and it was like…AHA!

    I sat on the couch and in bed more than a dozen nights seriously, SERIOUSLY feeling I was doomed.

    Covid is real, manufactured and did kill a bunch of innocent Americans.
    It was China’s Fat Man & Little Boy but I survived.

  9. LocoBlancoSaltine
    JANUARY 14, 2022 AT 4:10 PM

    Please don’t misunderstand, I’m not minimizing how bad you felt or how near death seemed at all. Having crossed the half-century mark years ago myself, I know how much more pronounced poor health can be, and as far as feelimg ,”doomed”, that can actually be clinically significant. I had a Squad captain put it pretty starkly when she taught, “Pay attention to what your patient tell you. If they say they feel like they’re going to die…they probably ARE”, allunding to the fact that heart patients in particular know on a visceral level when their systems are on the verge of collapse.

    I myself have issues, one of the biggest being sleep apnea. I won’t take a sleep aid because I figure it will result in a very permanent rest if I can’t snore myself awake. I’ve had lots of other issues, including a fever so bad I had febrile seizures and it burned out my inner ears so I had to learn to walk again.

    So no, not saying these aren’t real things at all, or that there wasn’t good reason you’d think you were gonna die.

    My point is that the phrase “Died peacefully in his sleep” is MUCH more common in senior obits in particular in that lots of folks feel just fine when they turn in, only to have woke up later with me straddling them on a cot very uncomfortably equipped with a coffin-shaped board being very rude to their ribcage, or sometimes waking up just in time for their Judgement Day before the Throne of the Lord.

    That’s my REAL point, that we are ALL close ALL the time, whether we feel it or not.

    Believe me, I take sleeping sick people seriously. You kind of learn to do that, particularly around suspected beain injuries, and I’ve spent more than one sleepless night watching my son sleep after surgeries so I could instantly intervene if that sleep got too deep or that gentle snore turned to gurgling.

    But I’ve danced with Death so many times and many ways, sometimes by invitation and sometimes by complete surprise, that I’ve gotten to where it’s more respect than fear, especially since I found the Lord and know that the rapidly deteriorating meat sack I’m currently limping around in is but a temporary garment that I will have to lay down one day, sooner or later, and I’ve beat it up so bad that I’m not sure I’ll miss it anyway. I’ve been around sickness and death enough to have developed a flippancy about it as a self-defense mechanism, and I know that this isn’t always understood as such, and for that I apologize.

    As Shakespeare once said, “Fates, we will know your pleasure. That we will die, we know. It is but the time and the drawing of days out that gives men pause”(Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 1).

    I’ve seen old men die strapped to a bucket toilet in the middle of their living room, babies die with their guts smashed out of their asshole after Mom used them for an airbag, and people who left us at every point in between. All men die, whether at pain or at peace. The idea is not that I’m minimizing your suffering, but that I’m trying to tell folks about the fragility of life, the certainty of death, and how it doesn’t necessarily come with a warning that you’re about to leave this vale of tears big-time before you DO.

    I’ve put it badly, but this is why I refuse to live in fear. Maybe Coof will kill me, maybe it won’t, but SOMETHING sure will, in God’s good time and not before.

    I sometimes think he makes our bodies suck more as we get older just so we’re happier to leave them.

    And certainly it makes it easier on the kids when Mom leaves a pain-wracked, bedridden 95 year old body behind vs. a 30 year old vibrant one bursting with health, except for that one little aneurism just behind one ear…

    God bless you for surviving that and being able to relate that pain. May the Lord keep you from a repeat and grant you health and happiness for your long life until the time comes for you to lay your trophies down and join Him at the last.

    God Bless,

  10. @ LocoBlancoSaltine

    Not minimizing your covid experience but I experienced some of the symptoms you listed off and on for forty years. Twelve years ago I thought I was having a heart attack. After a $13k day in the emergency room and $30k worth of tests, the only thing the doctors could tell me was quit smoking or we can’t guarantee you’ll live another 20 years. Four years ago I learned that I have shingles. An info sheet from the Mayo Clinic about shingles explained the symptoms including that it can mimic a heart attack and I had been experiencing those since I was about thirty except for one. That nasty rash in pictures of people with shingles, I don’t get that. Just 4 or 5 little welts on my chest or neck that if they didn’t itch mildly, I probably wouldn’t even notice.

    I believe you mentioned recently having shingles and because stress in one of the things that brings a shingles attack, some of the symptoms you mentioned may have been shingles instead of covid.

  11. Brad, DJT is pushing the jab & booster, not me.
    Why? Legacy I suppose. I doubt he will run again.

    MajorityBob, there were more symptoms than what I wrote.
    I did have shingles appear last month, two years after my covid episode.
    I tested last year and had covid antibodies.
    I never got any jab whatsoever.
    I plan to get tested again for covid antibodies.
    My case should be studied by science, but they don’t want any truth fucking up the narrative.

    I read up on shingles and “mimicking a heart attack” was not among anything I read.
    I still have a small rash on my upper abdominals but no more pain.
    Did you quit smoking? Just curious, I know how hard that is.

  12. @LocoBlancoSaltine

    From my info sheet: Pain is usually the first symptom of shingles. For some it can be intense. depending on the location of the pain, it can sometimes be mistaken for a symptom of problems affecting the heart, lungs or kidneys. Some people experience shingles pain without ever developing the rash.

    I don’t go to the doctor much. In the last 40yrs, I’ve probably been to the doctor 10 times. Other than some cracked ribs and a shoulder injury, it’s always been for some pain, including chest pains that I thought was a heart attack, associated with the symptoms of shingles. In 35yrs, not one doctor even hinted that shingles may have been the cause, but never gave me satisfactory explanation of what the cause was.

    I quit smoking 7yrs ago.


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