Today’s New Scrabble Word “Trantifa” – IOTW Report

Today’s New Scrabble Word “Trantifa”


Trantifa is a portmanteau of “transgender” and “Antifa,” the latter being itself a truncation of “anti-fascist” and a left-wing movement that rose to prominence in 2017. The antifa movement has faced criticism from right-wing figures, including Donald Trump, who have accused them of acts of violence.

“Antifa’s professed purpose is to vigorously oppose fascism,” the Anti-Defamation League states. “While some extreme actors who claim to be affiliated with Antifa do engage in violence or vandalism at rallies and events, this is not the norm.” More

9 Comments on Today’s New Scrabble Word “Trantifa”

  1. “Antifa’s professed purpose is to vigorously oppose fascism,”

    Nobody believes that, more Orwellian speak like “The Deficit Reduction Act”.

    Let’s face it, since the dawn of time, people have engaged in breaking stuff and stealing what is not theirs because it is fun. Civilized societies criminalize such behavior but when the mechanisms of justice refuse to mete out retribution, it emboldens the criminals and we get more of it.

    As for Trantifa, the only practitioners that I have seen are fat ugly wildebeest women who can’t get a boyfriend or a job because they are too repulsive and obnoxious.

  2. “While some extreme actors who claim to be affiliated with Antifa do engage in violence or vandalism at rallies and events, this is not the norm.”

    And the article went downhill from there.


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