Token and Symbolic Gestures By the Left Do Nothing To Solve Problems – IOTW Report

Token and Symbolic Gestures By the Left Do Nothing To Solve Problems


Once the left is done doing the really hard and heavy lifting of taking a flag down from a flagpole, solving nothing, when will they address this?

The last year of data, 2008, sees young blacks committing 27% of all murders in America. There are approximately 10,000,000 black males between 15 and 35 years of age (the demographic committing most of the murders.) At any one time 10% of this demographic is incarcerated, leaving about 9,000,000 blacks committing 27% of all murders in America.

Roughly, 2.81% of the population is responsible for 27% of all murders in America.

If you want to be generous we can round the figure up to 5% if it makes some dissenters happy.

We have a crisis in America. Black male youths are murder machines.

source, source, source, source

14 Comments on Token and Symbolic Gestures By the Left Do Nothing To Solve Problems

  1. We live in a nation of morons, sorry to say. From day-to-day, week-to-week it’s hard to know what the new crisis will be, this week the Confederate flag. Pretty useful in redirecting attention away from the purposeful destruction of this great nation.

  2. Thanks in part to our government, “it’s a black world” now….so they say. Bringing back public executions would put an end to a lot of this behavior. For lesser crimes put them in stocks and shackles in public areas like the malls and such. Let the crowds humiliate them, by throwing poop and stuff at them all day. Problem solved.

  3. So why exactly is the left piling on the symbol of the South?

    Because they’ve given up on Southern Whites, the old Dixiecrat contingent that they built the party on since Reconstruction.

    They’re going to put all their money on racial animosity and try one more time to ride the minority vote into the WH. Only they’ve got a very rich, elitist white women, an old broken down Socialist and a failed governor as their only presidential candidates now and they have to work up a new angle.

    So stomp on the Stars N’ Bar, curse the South to never rise again and get every person who doesn’t trace his or her ancestors back to Europe heritage to hate all pale skinned completion people.

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