Tom Cotton Says the Dem’s Are For Open Borders – IOTW Report

Tom Cotton Says the Dem’s Are For Open Borders

The left should say it out loud and run on it.

11 Comments on Tom Cotton Says the Dem’s Are For Open Borders

  1. …this isn’t quite correct…Dems aren’t really pro open borders or pro anything else, it’s just means to an end, and that end is THEY get power and take it from US…the illegals are just the tools they plan to use this time since Blexit and TPUSA along with the lack of a Magic Negro on the ballot has them concerned about the usually reliable Black vote…once they get what they want, they will just screw the illegals the same as Obama did, the same as they do Black people, the same as they do women, until the NEXT time they need their vote…they have a willing partner in Muslims in general and Iran in particular, in that they have the common cause of wanting the United States to be weak and divided, hence all the “Syrian” refugees from places like Somalia…it’s not “open borders” per se they are after, it’s power by any means necessary…once they get THAT, look for full-on Communism and a REALLY strict view of borders and expected strict obedience to THEIR police, think “Old Soviet Union” for a frame of reference, they ALREADY turned the FBI into the old KGB, and they’ll do the same with everything ELSE if they get another chance…

  2. The Leftist Democrats rely on division and the general social norms confusion it creates to get into high positions and control people.

    Once people are confused about right and wrong, good and evil, and normal and abnormal standards, not really knowing which is which, they become pliable and accept whatever someone in authoritarian positions tell them to accept (without thinking it through for themselves).

    This gives them power and control.

    Satan does the same.

    Think about it.

  3. …They WILL recapture the Black vote, ALL of it, however. This will be by the simple expedient of a staged, scripted “drafting” of “Michelle” Obama to “reluctantly” lead the party out of the wilderness that the current front-running evil White man candidates have made out of it…they all know it, that’s why they’re being so obviously out-of-touch right now, so “Michelle” will seem reasonable later…

  4. It’s all about diluting the culture to the democrats, there remains far too many patriotic americans to ensure a lock on all future elections. They’re so close now they can taste it.

  5. Yes, they need to pick a top priority and run on it:

    1) Open borders
    2) Fuck Trump
    3) Reparations
    4) Trash 100+ years of technology because climate, by definition, changes
    5) Ferries and Freaks
    6) Socialism/communism/satanism
    7) Debt forgiveness
    8) Justice obstruction
    9) Dear Google please prevent another Trump

    ..Throw a dart. Outcome is the same: Trump 2020.

    With a candidate field larger than the capacity of a short bus, you’d think someone at some point would have at least a half decent idea. HA! lol

  6. I know you know the difference between Dems and Dem’s Sorry – it’s a pet peeve of mine and I know it is exacerbated by autocorrect adding apostrophes whenever we try to pluralize a noun

  7. ecp,

    10) Massive voter fraud

    They can hammer at 1-9 all day, every day. Until they succeed with 10, President Trump will be re-elected.

    Unfortunately, I haven’t seen much work being done by anyone to prevent massive voter fraud. I hope I’m wrong.


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