Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus – IOTW Report

Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus


Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have announced that they have tested positive for COVID-19 (coronavirus), the first celebrities to go public with a diagnosis.

Hanks and Wilson, both 63, revealed the news with a statement on Wednesday. Read it below:

“Hello, folks. Rita and I are down here in Australia. We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches. Rita had some chills that came and went. Slight fevers too. To play things right, as is needed in the world right now, we were tested for the Coronavirus, and were found to be positive.

Well, now. What to do next? The Medical Officials have protocols that must be followed. We Hanks’ will be tested observed, and isolated for as long as public health and safety requires. Not much more to it than a one-day-at-a-time approach, no?

We’ll keep the world posted and updated.

Take care of yourselves!”

Hanks and Wilson were the only known individuals on the film to contract the disease, insiders said. The film is currently in pre-production stages, meaning cameras have yet to roll, and is still making preparations to shoot. Testing measures for filmmakers and crew are presently unknown.


 h/t the Barbie 

32 Comments on Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus

  1. Lefty or not, Tom Hanks is a much loved actor. The best thing that can happen is he and his wife recover from it as an example to not freak out about it. If POTUS called Hanks during quarantine to wish him well, I’d expect he’d acknowledge it as a nice gesture. Lofo voters would see that as a positive, maybe.

  2. “We’ll keep the world posted and updated.”

    The WORLD! *Eye roll*
    There are 4 foot tall people in Africa getting 10 foot long tapeworms pulled out of their asses.
    But thanks for letting us know about your mild body aches and chills, which come and go, as you’re laid up in a 5 star Febreezed hotel room in Australia.
    How brave and precious you both are!
    Fuck off.
    And get well soon!

  3. Look, whether or not you consider Tom Hanks an American Hero ™, I would like to remind you…

    Joe Biden is an enemy. He deserves no quarter.

    Tom Hanks, as a leftist shill (at HIS peril), is an enemy. Please stop treating Tom Hanks as some sort of American moral saint.

    He is not.

    Wake up already.

  4. Personally, I call BS other than they have the garden-variety flu.

    “Let’s play the sympathy card to blunt recent accusations in the news.”

    Not buying it. Or toilet paper.

  5. So what, millions of people who expect to work for a living and go on will do so regardless of you leftist moroons. Get well or not as the virus takes you as my family and I will with little notice or fanfare.

    Public relations story.

  6. I would never wish an illness, mild or potentially fatal, on anyone. Including the Hanks family.

    For now I will just take the view that them going public also includes some amount of intention to be a good example of what one ought to do if screened positive.

    That being said – I prefer actors that play American military heroes to not be lefty nutjobs. ‘Saving Private Ryan’, being one example.

    TH has another such movie role releasing in June. Titled, “Greyhound”, based on a C.S. Forrester novel, ‘The Good Shepard’, about WW2 destroyer USS Keeling and it’s CO Ernest Krause (Hanks) vs German wolf pack submarine attacks on a 37 ship convoy crossing the N. Atlantic early in the war. Greyhound being the radio code name for the destroyer.

  7. John Travolta was hospitalized for suspected COVID-19 virus infection, but doctors now confirm that it was only a Saturday Night Fever and assured everyone that he is Staying Alive…

  8. Yet another fading Hollywood face seeking to promote an upcoming film with some yap-pied yap face time in the media.

    His latest film just happens to be coming out shortly. An just about every article that mention his “claimed” illness also mentions the films name.
    Can you say FREE Advertising and film promotion?

    Can you also say MASSIVE Spreader?
    I looked at all the hand shaking, speeches, Tv interviews, staged strolling the beach with his wife stunts.

  9. I can’t stand the bastard.
    His son is a real piece of crap.
    Forest Gump was a cuck training propaganda film where the Feminist Whore rides cock until she gets AIDS and then needs his assets. (replacement father)
    Captain Philips was an irresponsible asshole who endangered his crew as many of them have said in court. (The Us forces were awesome though)
    Captain Sully is an awesome person but I can not watch him being portrayed by such a left leaning Asshole.
    (think of how many times Clint Eastwood was the bigger man who gave great rolls to lefties that would have banned Eastwood due to his political beliefs)

    I cannot look at Hank’s face without getting enraged.

    CHET HAZE his kid is a real peice of shit who dealt drugs and faked being a gangsta rapper. Daddy keeps bailing him out!

    So “FACK HIM” and he should walk the walk & go seen some public health care from Australia!

  10. …I don’t remember everyone getting all emotional like this when Ted Nuget announced to the world that he had Cat Scratch Fever…

    (Full disclosure, its a real thing too, and I got it once. It’s not fun, but it’s not lethal, either. Or,
    “The first time that I got it
    I was just ten years old
    I got it from some kitty next door
    I went and see the Dr. and he gave me the cure
    I think I got it some more

    They give me cat scratch fever
    Cat scratch fever

    I got a bad cat scratch fever
    Cat scratch fever

    It’s nothin’ dangerous I feel no pain
    I’ve got to ch-ch-change
    You know you got it when you’re going insane
    It makes a grown man cryin’ cryin’
    Won’t you make my bed

    I make the pussy purr with the stroke of my hand
    They know they gettin’ it from me
    They know just where to go
    When they need their lovin’ man
    They know I do it for free”
    “Cat Scratch Fever”, Ted Nuget

  11. Funny you mention “Cat Scratch Fever.”

    One of my sons was just a wee guy when the song came out and danced around the house singing “Scratch Fat Pussy!” May have been dyslexic or something. Anyways, after a great deal of laughter we convinced him of the proper lyrics.

    izlamo delenda est …


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