Too Many Clintons – IOTW Report

Too Many Clintons

8 Comments on Too Many Clintons

  1. Too many guns isn’t her problem. She needs the guns to protect herself and her interests. Without adequate supply, she would have a problem. What she means is there are too many Americans with guns that don’t stand in lock-step with her.

  2. “In the land of the Blind, the man with one eye is King.”

    In the land of the Disarmed, the man with one gun is King.

    Don’t let HRC bullshit you, or anyone else.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I think you are all looking at it wrong.

    if the clintons would only go to dc and build up the countries fortune the way they have built up their own personal fortune I would be all for sending them to dc.
    the country could be out of debt in no time if only the country got all the kickback money the clintons got for all the countries treasures the clintons have sold for personal profit.

    too bad they are not in it for the country.

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