Too Many Men Have Mistaken Nice for Righteous – IOTW Report

Too Many Men Have Mistaken Nice for Righteous

A Message for the Men of America | Steve Deace Show

Steve Deace addresses a men’s group at a church in central Iowa with a message from Nehemiah 13.

Watch video HERE.

7 Comments on Too Many Men Have Mistaken Nice for Righteous

  1. I’m reading Ten Tortured Words. It details how much the people who settled this country were in tune with the Lord. Like a million times more than we are now.

    You want to know why we’re off the rails? We’ve lost sight. Steve shines a light on that.

  2. Don’t ever give up, MMinWA. There are more than you realize who are not off the rails.

    Depends on who you know. They’re still there. Just have to find them.

    And…they are everywhere…here and in other countries.

  3. Then, VOTE against this Democrat smoke screen for money and power. Now, they are hiding behind TBLSMFT “gender” choice so they can continue as a Yellow dog Democrat without a conscience. One day that choice will end.

  4. pianamusic March 4, 2022 at 7:25 pm Then, VOTE

    What ya mean by “vote”? A. Select one of the two pre-selected choices?? or B. Something else? What ya talking about?

  5. Here’s the ugly truth ladies and wimps like Anondick.

    Men are not nice creatures except to their own families and maybe trusted friends who we fight with anyway because thats what we do.

    When your DNA is designed to pick up a toothpick and stab a Mastodon with it then start keeping Saber-Tooth Tiger’s, Giant Bears, and Dire Wolves at bay euth the same toothpick while you carve it you are not a nice person.

    What is righteous about a real man is that they fight.

    They fight fires, wars, crime, disasters, bullies, Mother Nature, the highseas, vicious animals, famine, pestilence, poverty, ignorance, and misfortune and most of all commie pinko fascist satanic liberal progressive pederasts.

    I know women fight these same battles, but usually alongside their mates.

    The mate you choose over other mates because of the whole toothpick thing.

    So it’s nice to be nice and some of the toughest operators I know are sweet at home but don’t mistake real men for pussies, or guess what? A fight….


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