Tool of the Week: Tony Evers – IOTW Report

Tool of the Week: Tony Evers

Empower Wisconsin: MADISON — In his budget address last week, Gov. Tony Evers spoke the language of the left’s crisis politics.

“When this pandemic is over,” he said, “we could go back to the way things always were and always have been, or we can take this moment to demand the future we dream.”

What the Democrat meant is the future his leftist friends’ dream.

His $91 billion far left budget is a nightmare for Wisconsin taxpayers, manufacturers, retirees and anyone who has had quite enough of the destructive and politically motivated “social justice” movement.

First of all, let’s look at what’s in Evers’ rearview mirror: A Wisconsin that was much more prosperous, much more hopeful and much more free. In the span of less than two years, this governor has driven an extreme liberal agenda in an attempt to saddle businesses with more regulation, homeowners and workers with higher taxes, and cities with higher crime rates and disorder. For the better part of a year, this power-hungry administration and its local allies have locked down much of Wisconsin, shut down “non-essential businesses” and places of worship, and wiped out untold American dreams. read more

20 Comments on Tool of the Week: Tony Evers

  1. After a lifetime of watching openly corrupt pols, this nation being flooded with 3rd world human debris, and watching the descendants of our Founders accept all of this without a whimper, I have decided it is finally time to prepare an escape plan. The Spirit of Freedom is apparently dead and I cannot find any signs of it being resurrected except for the keyboard warriors of the internet. Good Luck with that.

    No one knows the hour or the day but I suspect it is close.

    As I look around bare-faced in a world covered with masks, I can only conclude that “Perhaps it is Time”. I refuse to blindly follow the rest of the sheep to the slaughterhouse.

    May God have mercy on theirs souls.

  2. Evers leadership is a microcosm of what to expect from Biden. Both, a pitiful excuses for men, little alone leaders.
    I watched Trump on CPAC last night. THAT is what leadership looks like. Decisive, confident, well executed with big brass balls. Evers and Biden are neutered stray mutts in search of a hydrant to sniff and piss on. Leftist America is pitiful.

  3. Non Essential.

    Think of what that means. The government deeming you “unimportant” and “not needed” based solely on what you do for a living.

    I wonder how many university degrees are non-essential. How many courses are there that you do not need to do your job but have been inserted into the programs to increase profits and add more requirements to graduate for no reason other than social engineering & boundaries to practical employment?

    SJW requirements to repair an elevator or weld pipe? Its already here.

  4. Governor General Mills and the leftist legislature all our out of state new Maine residents voted in have done the same here in Maine.
    They spent everything. LePage left a surplus and rainy day fund. All spent.
    They brought in thousands of illegals from Africa.

    Now they have bills to charge a 3% tax on income over $100,000 and a whole lot of other economy and state destroying measures.

  5. People get the government they deserve by voting for it.

    No sympathy for them because they will continue to vote the same way. They are too stupid to connect what happens to them with how they vote.

    Sadly those who didn’t vote for it suffer along with them.

  6. “Sadly those who didn’t vote for it suffer along with them.”

    Only until those who didn’t vote for it are willing to throw out those who did.
    A Republic isn’t a suicide pact. If the gov’t exists within its prescribed framework, it is legitimate and should be respected. As soon as it deviates, it is no longer legitimate – and must be jettisoned.

    People have the “right” to vote themselves into slavery – they don’t have the “right” to vote ME into slavery.

    The sooner they realize that, the better off we’ll all be.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Evers will face the voters in two years. Mean while he’s working hard to make every township use an $18,000 Dominion tabulator. Unless the legislature forces complete transparency and enforcement of election laws, I fear we’ll have Evers for a long time into the future.

  8. they don’t care…they keep voting for these folks because Orange Man Bad. LET IT ALL COME CRASHING DOWN, LET THE EBT WELFARE CARDS GO EMPTY, LET THE RIOTS CONTINUE and it is the only way to get real change is to let the whole system collapse…then we can rebuild it properly and start with schools….

  9. “Evers will face the voters in two years.”

    IF an election can be stolen, it WILL be stolen.
    Facing voters whose votes don’t matter is of little consequence.
    This puke will ram his totalitarian agenda through with no concern over “electoral” ramifications – the FIX is in.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Like PA’s guvner, he’s got that smug, libtard professorial, “I’m-smarter-than-YOU,” smirk on his face, that’s BEGGING to be PUNCHED clean OFF! 😡

  11. “A Fond Adieu”

    where you going to go?

    you will find the commie infestation is already there.

    wouldn’t it be better to stay here and fight for what you believe is right?

    there are more of you out there than you are willing to let yourself believe.
    I get discouraged too.

    But remember:
    they are very afraid of your numbers and ideas , so afraid they have to shut you up so you don’t infect others and recruit them to your side. Their supporters are very dimwitted and easy to persuade, so very fickle in their alliance to the commies.
    They know they have to exterminate you because you will never accept their form of slavery. They can not and will not tolerate you in their world. This will drive more people into your camp.

    and last

    God works in mysterious ways
    What will set it all off, i cannot say but something will and heaven help them when the good Lord comes back.
    They don’t don’t know what real victimhood is until they sit across from the Lord at judgement day.
    victims of their own vile characters.

  12. @ Bill

    As a direct descendant of the 2nd man to sign the Declaration of Independence, I have spent the last forty years educating and coaxing people into the Founder’s ideology. For 55 years our corrupt gov has watered down the culture and inheritance bequeathed to us by our ancestors by unrepentant spending, allowing mass invasion by every repugnant culture besides northern european, welfare, never-ending wars and the list goes on.

    There are ways to escape within the boundaries of this country and simply sit back and watch it burn. Nobody wanted this but since 1871 no one has done anything to stop it. Hopefully, after the smoke clears, there will still be something left to rebuild.

    It’s a soul crushing thing to watch or admit but, at this point it is probably the only way forward.

  13. All, & I mean ALL of the Democrats have the most doom & gloom. Not one of them ever says anything to lift people up, it is always the same thing. Nothing is going well, nothing will ever go well & you are going to die without us guiding you. They then get into office & say there is nothing we can do. Even though they promised once you got them into office, everything would be wonderful.

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