Top Counter-Jihad – IOTW Report

10 Comments on Top Counter-Jihad

  1. I’ve said this before but I think is worth repeating.

    For quite a while I thought of Pamela as someone I probably agreed with in principle but seemed a little extreme. Finally, one day I listened to her talk for about 6 minutes. You see, I had never listened to her in her own words but relied on others’ biased analyses of her. It’s a natural thing to do, we all do it in the interest of time. And by listening to her I realized that I am in complete agreement with her. She isn’t against all of Islam, only those who willfully subjugate, maim and kill others in its name and those who condone it either vocally or by their silence. Of course that’s a pretty significant portion.

    On a related note, today I am reading all sorts of Facebook posts related to the South Carolina church shooting, about racism and how whites won’t accept that they are the problem, etc. Apparently Jon Stewart said something very deep. If I choose to challenge someone I will certainly listen to their words first and the words of others whom they are promoting, like Stewart. Will they do the same? Will they listen to opposing views? Or will they do their classic hit and run, smug with their sense of self-worth now that they ‘know’ the truth – the truth they happened to read in a headline on HuffPo or Vox?

  2. Dan bring up the concept of “truth”. That’s a sticky wicket. I hold some truths to be self evident.

    The love of a father for his only child.

    The blistering pain when a husband loses a wife.

    I can speak to those as I have experienced them. I believe I hold some truths in those narrow areas.

    This muslim thing is fairly new to me. Still getting my head around it. I’ve started to study their religion and the culture it seems to engender.

    As I increase my depth of understanding it seems that what we refer to as “radical muslims” are actually the only true practitioners of their holy text. It has no use and actually abhors for ‘adjustments’ to be made to the teachings.

    If you are a muslim and not actively pursing the enslavement or killing of non-muslims, you are a heretic.

    My views on this may be the fault of sloppy translations of the quran, their holy book. I do not speak nor can read the text in its original language. I may be missing something.

    But. Muslims are beheading Christians as I write this.

    This is a behavior that should be reserved to corrupt politicians (which in fact, is most of them).

    It is NOT a behavior civilized people engage in. Hence, they are not civilized.

    And just exactly how much we need suffer death and indignity from from the uncivilized before we should justly, in self defense, eradicate those who hold these beliefs?

    Islam is rooted in 7th century tribal warfare. It has no place today.

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