Top Dems Are No Shows at Biden’s Pittsburgh Rally Today – IOTW Report

Top Dems Are No Shows at Biden’s Pittsburgh Rally Today


President Joe Biden will appear in Pittsburgh on Friday as an opening step in a broader campaign to promote the White House’s achievements in key states before the midterm elections.

But two of the three leading Democrats on Pennsylvania’s statewide ballot this spring who were invited to appear with Biden will not attend, their campaigns confirmed on the eve of the president’s visit. More

14 Comments on Top Dems Are No Shows at Biden’s Pittsburgh Rally Today

  1. Biden’s achievements? He hasn’t even succeeded in running this nation completely into the ground even though Biden and the Democrats have been trying like hell to do this. It even looks like Russia and the Ukraine will avoid the war Biden is trying to promote.

  2. Pretty much everybody knows this flaming jackass should apologize for for living off the hard-working, over-taxed payer for half-a-century as a worthless, federal tit-sucking parasite. If it was raining soup, this stupid sonovabitch would bring a fork! If brains were lard, the dumb bastard wouldn’t be able to grease a skillet! For eight years this grinning imbecile wuz the Number One Observatory Circle Jerk and second banana to a Kenyan Kremepuff! He loved to drink, give dull parties, cheap presents, gave nothing to charity and told off-color 7-11 jokes while playing mumbley-peg with dim-witted quadrupeds and sculpting Bullshit with a poop knife! The old fart can’t be trusted with a burnt-out match let alone nuclear codes! 50 years of NOTHING by this Tourettes-addled, grinning imbecile (with the mental agility of a small plant stand) and now he’s destroying the country! Even his own party knows this mutant mix of the Winnebago man and Karl Childers has got NO SHOT at getting an ounce of respect! Just say NOPE to the DOPE and keep your distance!!


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