Top Ukrainian official: Sondland did not link aid to investigation of Bidens – IOTW Report

Top Ukrainian official: Sondland did not link aid to investigation of Bidens

The breathless reporting by the media just last week, that Ambassador Taylor was the key to bringing down the Trump presidency because he could link the quid and the quo, and was “willing to resign over it,” has dissipated like a Mueller fart in a windstorm.

The ridiculous theater of putting two witnesses up simultaneously in order to make it “doubly concerning” also backfired.

The bow-tied and humorless Kent unwittingly turned into a witness for the defense when he informed all of America that withheld aid has no immediate impact because of the lag time. Aid showing up today was allocated over a year previously, so no, no one DIED because of Trump. (See dumbass tweets by dumbass Alyssa Milano and her ilk.)

This made Taylor’s panicked resignation (because he felt so bad for the sadly ignorant Ukraine commanders relying on the aid that wasn’t coming) look like they were the calculated actions of a Trump-hating operative or a nebbish drama queen. Either way, I’m not washing his “fifth in his class at West Point” feet like the media wants me to. He’s either in on the coup or he’s last in his class at “how funds are allocated 101.”

The Hill-

Ukraine’s foreign minister told reporters on Thursday that U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland did not link investigations into Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son with military assistance.

“Ambassador Sondland did not tell us, and did not tell me exactly, about the relation between the [military] assistance and the investigations,” Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko told reporters, according to Interfax-Ukraine.

“I have never seen a direct link between investigations and security assistance. Yes, investigations were mentioned, you know, in a presidential conversation. But there was no clear connection between these events,” Prystaiko added.

The House launched an impeachment inquiry into President Trump in September after revelations that the asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to look into the Bidens on a July 25 phone call. 


4 Comments on Top Ukrainian official: Sondland did not link aid to investigation of Bidens

  1. It’s sad that I believe the foreign minister of Ukraine, a former Soviet Union satellite, more than our own State Department or any Democrat politician. It’s also disturbing that we need to use foreign governments to fact check Democrat congressmen like Schiff.

  2. I’m sure our enemies are watching this shit and laughing their asses off. I’m sure this crap also isn’t going to help Trump negotiate with China, because they’re seeing this and understanding how dumb Democrats and our deep staters are and knowing they can just wait it out and see if they get back in charge.

    These idiots are destroying our country. Once upon a time the gallows would have already been built in D.C.


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