Totally Looks Like – IOTW Report

Totally Looks Like

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27 Comments on Totally Looks Like

  1. Lay off the kid, it’s hard growing up and getting the right look to work. After all, she’s only had a couple hundred hours with Professional Groomers, 4 weeks with a Walking Coach, and Mrs. Robinson is the only one who will share clothes with her. Please. She needs to comb her bangs over her eyes and cuts holes in them to see out of for the right look.

  2. I have nothing to say
    Well here’s a another fine mess you’ve gotten me into.
    I’m not as dumb as you look
    You can lead a horse(moose) to water, but pencil must be lead

  3. may her parents transgressions come back to bite her in her ass!

    she has nothing to fear from illegal immigrants from muslim countries because the rape of black girls is statistically insignificant in the usa plus she will have secret service armed protection the rest of her life.

  4. I’m sure you’ve all heard by now that the two daughters were decked out in ~$20K ball gowns. Nothing but the best for our First Children, right? I wonder which one will be the first to ‘identify’?

  5. I’m just sad I recognize her as one of the child actors currently playing a back-up roll in the 24-hour, live action drama play – Destruction of Freedom – currently playing at the White House.

    All seats reserved.

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