Town Near George Washington Bridge Sick of Travelers Using Apps to Navigate Around Traffic Using Their Tiny Streets – IOTW Report

Town Near George Washington Bridge Sick of Travelers Using Apps to Navigate Around Traffic Using Their Tiny Streets

This is a tough one. The George Washington Bridge on the New Jersey side connects directly into a town. (The New York side connects to parkways.)

Inbound bridge traffic on the Jersey side can be insane, with cars backed up for miles. There are apps that assist people to navigate small neighborhoods in order to weave yourself closer to the bridge. The town of Leonia has made it illegal to travel on neighborhood roads unless you can prove you have business there.

I can’t help but view these ordinances through the lens of condemned policy.

Why can a cop pull you over to check if you belong in a neighborhood, but a cop can’t pull you over to see if you belong in THIS COUNTRY???!!!??

Anyway, here’s the story.

ht/ fdr in hell



10 Comments on Town Near George Washington Bridge Sick of Travelers Using Apps to Navigate Around Traffic Using Their Tiny Streets

  1. Fuck New Yorkers. Fuck New Jerseyians. You chose to live in a toilet, you get to deal with the turds.

    I hope all those people the town of Leonia try to ticket for the crime of using public streets turn around sue the town into bankruptcy.

  2. This is happening in every urban area in America. It’s like flash mobs on the road. Get used to the speed humps, stop signs and tiny traffic circles as the locals fight back.

  3. What are you doing in this neighborhood? –None of your business.
    Where ya headed today? –None of your business.
    Where do you live? –None of your business.
    What do you have in the trunk? –None of your business.
    Have you been drinking today? –None of your business.
    What have you got to hide? –None of your business.
    Are you on medication? –None of your business.

    You aren’t required to answer ANY of those questions, as they are to get you to incriminate yourself.

  4. I can sympathize with folks who have had their sleepy streets that are not designed for heavy traffic turned into major thouroghfares. In my town, the powers that be clogged traffic on the main streets by installing bike lanes so now people use the tiny little residential streets to avoid the traffic on the previously 4 lanes streets that are now cut down to 2 lanes (one in each direction). I don’t live on one of these streets but I know people who do and boy are they pissed off.

  5. The whole point of traffic congestion is to force people out of their cars and onto the politicians treasured pet project – choo choo trains.

    That happened in the Minneapolis area and was actually confirmed when one of our “betters” said that the reason they didn’t bother to do anything about traffic congestion was to punish drivers. That was just before I moved, so I got a chance to gloat that I had been saying that for years and now I was proven right.

    Then I moved. Hahahahahahahaha on them!

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