“Toxic Comments” – IOTW Report

“Toxic Comments”

Wired has concerned themselves with “toxic comments” on the internet.

When I perused their list of the most and least offensive states, when it comes to online commenting, I couldn’t help but think about what the “researchers” felt were toxic.

Calling Hitler a socialist was deemed toxic.

Calling liberals devil lovers was toxic.

No word on calling all white people racists, though. My guess is that this is deemed thoughtful analysis.

Don’t be lulled into excitement for this study just because the progressive state Vermont was deemed most toxic. This is still a paper that will somehow be used in order to police freedom of speech.

For instance, if SJWs say the past must be eradicated because our forefathers had slaves, this is acceptable speech.

Saying Islam should be banned in America because Muhammad had slaves is hate speech and appropriate action will be taken against you.

ht/ all too much

Another worthless “study” from a group with a built-in bias.

9 Comments on “Toxic Comments”

  1. Just about everything in the world of electronic communication and business organizations are completely inundated with leftists and leftist leaning. This is because they are instinctively bullies, if you don’t comply you don’t work. You won’t fit in.

  2. Actually, any comment that isn’t a reflection of my beliefs is toxic.

    This is Standard Operating Procedure for ALL who consider themselves the Center of the Universe.

    “The strong do what they can; the weak suffer what they must.”
    (it’s not just a saying)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. organgrinder AUGUST 23, 2017 AT 5:39 AM
    “Just about everything in the world of electronic communication and business organizations are completely inundated with leftists and leftist leaning. This is because they are instinctively bullies,”
    It’s the same with the news media. The media goes on and on about “bullies” when in fact they are the biggest bullies around.

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